3ノードクラスターをミニPCで運用している中で、Prism Centralにログインできなくなってしまいました。対処方法についてメモを残しておきます。
- シングルでデプロイ
- cluster stopをせずにPCVMを再起動する(※)
- 起動後、cluster startが成功しても、当該MSGが出力されてログイン不可
※Prism Centralのリソース変更方法が書かれたドキュメントに記されていますが、シングルの場合、cluster stopをする前に電源を切らないでください、と太字で強調されて書かれています。おそらく、cluster stopして正常にサービスをDonwさせないと、コンテナサービスが壊れるのでしょう。
追記:原因はSSH接続時に表示されるPrism Central VMのホスト名の変更でした。どうやらMSPで使用されているようで、デフォルトから変更すると、おそらくPod関連の認証で失敗する結果、IAMに関連したpodが上手く立ち上がらずログイン不可になると思われます。こちら、デフォルトのホスト名に戻したところ、無事にログインすることができるようになりました。戻す過程でpvc-という名前のVolume Groupがupdateされていることから、MSP関連が関わっていると予想されます。
CAUTION: DO NOT CHANGE the PCVM hostname if the microservice platform (CMSP) is enabled. Changing the PCVM hostname after enabling CMSP is not supported.
Resolved an issue where, during upgrades to Prism Central version pc.2024.1, the worker VM in a migrated cluster was unable to resolve the DNS name iam-proxy.ntnx-base.
とは言っても、どうにかしなければならないので、Prism Centralの登録解除について、ドキュメントを探して読み解くと、次のようなことがわかりました。
- pc.2024.1~からは、Prism ElementからPrism Centralの登録を解除することをサポートしていません。
- 登録を解除した場合はブラックリストに入れられて、再登録が不可能。
- 再登録したい場合はサポートにエスカレーションしてください。
- どうしても、登録解除したい場合はPrism Centralからcluster destroyをしてください(Prism UIから操作)。
- Prism Centralクラスターを再構築すれば接続は可能。
そこで、CLIコマンドでcluster destoroyをしてクラスターの再構築をすればいけそうだな、と思い試してみました。
nutanix@PCVM:~$ cluster destroy 2024-11-22 19:12:23,363Z INFO MainThread zookeeper_session.py:136 Using multithreaded Zookeeper client library: 1 2024-11-22 19:12:23,367Z INFO MainThread zookeeper_session.py:248 Parsed cluster id: 1106392137852969902, cluster incarnation id: 1215556561207248468 2024-11-22 19:12:23,367Z INFO MainThread zookeeper_session.py:270 cluster is attempting to connect to Zookeeper, host port list zk1:9876 2024-11-22 19:12:23,374Z INFO Dummy-1 zookeeper_session.py:840 ZK session establishment complete, sessionId=0x193553ebf380022, negotiated timeout=20 secs 2024-11-22 19:12:23,378Z INFO Dummy-2 zookeeper_session.py:941 Calling zookeeper_close and invalidating zhandle 2024-11-22 19:12:23,383Z INFO MainThread cluster:3296 Executing action destroy on SVMs 2024-11-22 19:12:23,384Z WARNING MainThread genesis_utils.py:345 Deprecated: use util.cluster.info.get_node_uuid() instead 2024-11-22 19:12:23,402Z INFO MainThread cluster:3343 ***** CLUSTER NAME ***** Unnamed This operation will completely erase all data and all metadata, and each node will no longer belong to a cluster. Do you want to proceed? (Y/[N]): Y 2024-11-22 19:12:35,852Z INFO MainThread zookeeper_session.py:136 Using multithreaded Zookeeper client library: 1 2024-11-22 19:12:35,853Z WARNING MainThread zookeeper_session.py:220 Going to replace the passed host_port_list: zk1:9876,zk2:9876,zk3:9876 with the ZOOKEEPER_HOST_PORT_LIST environment variable: zk1:9876 because the passed host_port_list appears to have been copied from FLAGS.zookeeper_host_port_list 2024-11-22 19:12:35,854Z INFO MainThread zookeeper_session.py:248 Parsed cluster id: 1106392137852969902, cluster incarnation id: 1215556561207248468 2024-11-22 19:12:35,854Z INFO MainThread zookeeper_session.py:270 cluster is attempting to connect to Zookeeper, host port list zk1:9876 2024-11-22 19:12:35,862Z INFO Dummy-3 zookeeper_session.py:840 ZK session establishment complete, sessionId=0x193553ebf380023, negotiated timeout=20 secs 2024-11-22 19:12:35,863Z INFO MainThread cluster:1945 Cluster destroy initiated by ssh client IP: 2024-11-22 19:12:43,431Z INFO MainThread cluster:1824 Unconfigured VIP Monitor service on svm_ips: [''] 2024-11-22 19:12:44,087Z INFO MainThread cluster:1828 Unconfigured zk mappings on nodes : [''] 2024-11-22 19:13:20,685Z INFO MainThread cluster:443 Restarted Genesis on 2024-11-22 19:13:20,685Z INFO MainThread cluster:314 Checking for /home/nutanix/.node_unconfigure to disappear on ips [''] 2024-11-22 19:13:23,030Z INFO MainThread cluster:314 Checking for /home/nutanix/.node_unconfigure to disappear on ips [''] 2024-11-22 19:13:25,444Z INFO MainThread cluster:314 Checking for /home/nutanix/.node_unconfigure to disappear on ips [''] 2024-11-22 19:13:27,850Z INFO MainThread cluster:314 Checking for /home/nutanix/.node_unconfigure to disappear on ips [''] 2024-11-22 19:13:30,242Z INFO MainThread cluster:314 Checking for /home/nutanix/.node_unconfigure to disappear on ips [''] 2024-11-22 19:13:32,521Z INFO MainThread cluster:314 Checking for /home/nutanix/.node_unconfigure to disappear on ips [''] 2024-11-22 19:13:34,820Z INFO MainThread cluster:314 Checking for /home/nutanix/.node_unconfigure to disappear on ips [''] 2024-11-22 19:13:37,238Z INFO MainThread cluster:314 Checking for /home/nutanix/.node_unconfigure to disappear on ips [''] 2024-11-22 19:13:39,581Z INFO MainThread cluster:314 Checking for /home/nutanix/.node_unconfigure to disappear on ips [''] 2024-11-22 19:13:41,968Z INFO MainThread cluster:314 Checking for /home/nutanix/.node_unconfigure to disappear on ips [''] 2024-11-22 19:13:44,252Z INFO MainThread cluster:314 Checking for /home/nutanix/.node_unconfigure to disappear on ips [''] 2024-11-22 19:13:46,667Z INFO MainThread cluster:314 Checking for /home/nutanix/.node_unconfigure to disappear on ips [''] 2024-11-22 19:13:49,081Z INFO MainThread cluster:314 Checking for /home/nutanix/.node_unconfigure to disappear on ips [''] 2024-11-22 19:13:51,443Z INFO MainThread cluster:314 Checking for /home/nutanix/.node_unconfigure to disappear on ips [''] 2024-11-22 19:13:53,727Z INFO MainThread cluster:314 Checking for /home/nutanix/.node_unconfigure to disappear on ips [''] 2024-11-22 19:13:56,014Z INFO MainThread cluster:314 Checking for /home/nutanix/.node_unconfigure to disappear on ips [''] 2024-11-22 19:13:58,523Z INFO MainThread cluster:314 Checking for /home/nutanix/.node_unconfigure to disappear on ips [''] 2024-11-22 19:14:00,835Z INFO MainThread cluster:314 Checking for /home/nutanix/.node_unconfigure to disappear on ips [''] 2024-11-22 19:14:03,214Z INFO MainThread cluster:314 Checking for /home/nutanix/.node_unconfigure to disappear on ips [''] 2024-11-22 19:14:05,512Z INFO MainThread cluster:314 Checking for /home/nutanix/.node_unconfigure to disappear on ips [''] 2024-11-22 19:14:08,035Z INFO MainThread cluster:314 Checking for /home/nutanix/.node_unconfigure to disappear on ips [''] 2024-11-22 19:14:10,362Z INFO MainThread cluster:314 Checking for /home/nutanix/.node_unconfigure to disappear on ips [''] 2024-11-22 19:14:12,669Z INFO MainThread cluster:314 Checking for /home/nutanix/.node_unconfigure to disappear on ips [''] 2024-11-22 19:14:15,014Z INFO MainThread cluster:314 Checking for /home/nutanix/.node_unconfigure to disappear on ips [''] 2024-11-22 19:14:17,299Z INFO MainThread cluster:314 Checking for /home/nutanix/.node_unconfigure to disappear on ips [''] 2024-11-22 19:14:19,573Z INFO MainThread cluster:314 Checking for /home/nutanix/.node_unconfigure to disappear on ips [''] 2024-11-22 19:14:21,842Z INFO MainThread cluster:314 Checking for /home/nutanix/.node_unconfigure to disappear on ips [''] 2024-11-22 19:14:24,136Z INFO MainThread cluster:314 Checking for /home/nutanix/.node_unconfigure to disappear on ips [''] 2024-11-22 19:14:26,396Z INFO MainThread cluster:314 Checking for /home/nutanix/.node_unconfigure to disappear on ips [''] 2024-11-22 19:14:28,869Z INFO MainThread cluster:314 Checking for /home/nutanix/.node_unconfigure to disappear on ips [''] 2024-11-22 19:14:31,274Z INFO MainThread cluster:314 Checking for /home/nutanix/.node_unconfigure to disappear on ips [''] 2024-11-22 19:14:33,547Z INFO MainThread cluster:314 Checking for /home/nutanix/.node_unconfigure to disappear on ips [''] 2024-11-22 19:14:35,818Z INFO MainThread cluster:314 Checking for /home/nutanix/.node_unconfigure to disappear on ips [''] 2024-11-22 19:14:38,086Z INFO MainThread cluster:314 Checking for /home/nutanix/.node_unconfigure to disappear on ips [''] 2024-11-22 19:14:40,394Z INFO MainThread cluster:314 Checking for /home/nutanix/.node_unconfigure to disappear on ips [''] 2024-11-22 19:14:42,677Z INFO MainThread cluster:314 Checking for /home/nutanix/.node_unconfigure to disappear on ips [''] 2024-11-22 19:14:45,055Z INFO MainThread cluster:314 Checking for /home/nutanix/.node_unconfigure to disappear on ips [''] 2024-11-22 19:14:47,422Z INFO MainThread cluster:314 Checking for /home/nutanix/.node_unconfigure to disappear on ips [''] 2024-11-22 19:14:49,687Z INFO MainThread cluster:314 Checking for /home/nutanix/.node_unconfigure to disappear on ips [''] 2024-11-22 19:14:52,132Z INFO MainThread cluster:314 Checking for /home/nutanix/.node_unconfigure to disappear on ips [''] 2024-11-22 19:14:54,497Z INFO MainThread cluster:314 Checking for /home/nutanix/.node_unconfigure to disappear on ips [''] 2024-11-22 19:14:56,799Z INFO MainThread cluster:314 Checking for /home/nutanix/.node_unconfigure to disappear on ips [''] 2024-11-22 19:14:59,215Z INFO MainThread cluster:314 Checking for /home/nutanix/.node_unconfigure to disappear on ips [''] 2024-11-22 19:15:01,539Z INFO MainThread cluster:314 Checking for /home/nutanix/.node_unconfigure to disappear on ips [''] 2024-11-22 19:15:03,922Z INFO MainThread cluster:314 Checking for /home/nutanix/.node_unconfigure to disappear on ips [''] 2024-11-22 19:15:06,208Z INFO MainThread cluster:314 Checking for /home/nutanix/.node_unconfigure to disappear on ips [''] 2024-11-22 19:15:08,515Z INFO MainThread cluster:314 Checking for /home/nutanix/.node_unconfigure to disappear on ips [''] 2024-11-22 19:15:10,799Z INFO MainThread cluster:314 Checking for /home/nutanix/.node_unconfigure to disappear on ips [''] 2024-11-22 19:15:13,093Z INFO MainThread cluster:314 Checking for /home/nutanix/.node_unconfigure to disappear on ips [''] 2024-11-22 19:15:15,354Z INFO MainThread cluster:314 Checking for /home/nutanix/.node_unconfigure to disappear on ips [''] 2024-11-22 19:15:17,634Z INFO MainThread cluster:314 Checking for /home/nutanix/.node_unconfigure to disappear on ips [''] 2024-11-22 19:15:19,933Z INFO MainThread cluster:314 Checking for /home/nutanix/.node_unconfigure to disappear on ips [''] 2024-11-22 19:15:22,192Z INFO MainThread cluster:314 Checking for /home/nutanix/.node_unconfigure to disappear on ips [''] 2024-11-22 19:15:24,527Z INFO MainThread cluster:314 Checking for /home/nutanix/.node_unconfigure to disappear on ips [''] 2024-11-22 19:15:26,895Z INFO MainThread cluster:314 Checking for /home/nutanix/.node_unconfigure to disappear on ips [''] 2024-11-22 19:15:29,177Z INFO MainThread cluster:314 Checking for /home/nutanix/.node_unconfigure to disappear on ips [''] 2024-11-22 19:15:31,569Z INFO MainThread cluster:314 Checking for /home/nutanix/.node_unconfigure to disappear on ips [''] 2024-11-22 19:15:33,884Z INFO MainThread cluster:314 Checking for /home/nutanix/.node_unconfigure to disappear on ips [''] 2024-11-22 19:15:36,239Z INFO MainThread cluster:314 Checking for /home/nutanix/.node_unconfigure to disappear on ips [''] 2024-11-22 19:15:38,634Z INFO MainThread cluster:314 Checking for /home/nutanix/.node_unconfigure to disappear on ips [''] 2024-11-22 19:15:40,968Z INFO MainThread cluster:314 Checking for /home/nutanix/.node_unconfigure to disappear on ips [''] 2024-11-22 19:15:43,320Z INFO MainThread cluster:314 Checking for /home/nutanix/.node_unconfigure to disappear on ips [''] 2024-11-22 19:15:45,653Z INFO MainThread cluster:314 Checking for /home/nutanix/.node_unconfigure to disappear on ips [''] 2024-11-22 19:15:48,024Z INFO MainThread cluster:314 Checking for /home/nutanix/.node_unconfigure to disappear on ips [''] 2024-11-22 19:15:50,473Z INFO MainThread cluster:314 Checking for /home/nutanix/.node_unconfigure to disappear on ips [''] 2024-11-22 19:15:52,879Z INFO MainThread cluster:314 Checking for /home/nutanix/.node_unconfigure to disappear on ips [''] 2024-11-22 19:15:55,178Z INFO MainThread cluster:314 Checking for /home/nutanix/.node_unconfigure to disappear on ips [''] 2024-11-22 19:15:57,524Z INFO MainThread cluster:314 Checking for /home/nutanix/.node_unconfigure to disappear on ips [''] 2024-11-22 19:15:59,817Z INFO MainThread cluster:314 Checking for /home/nutanix/.node_unconfigure to disappear on ips [''] 2024-11-22 19:16:02,250Z INFO MainThread cluster:314 Checking for /home/nutanix/.node_unconfigure to disappear on ips [''] 2024-11-22 19:16:04,551Z INFO MainThread cluster:314 Checking for /home/nutanix/.node_unconfigure to disappear on ips [''] 2024-11-22 19:16:06,836Z INFO MainThread cluster:314 Checking for /home/nutanix/.node_unconfigure to disappear on ips [''] 2024-11-22 19:16:09,051Z INFO MainThread cluster:314 Checking for /home/nutanix/.node_unconfigure to disappear on ips [''] 2024-11-22 19:16:11,258Z INFO MainThread cluster:314 Checking for /home/nutanix/.node_unconfigure to disappear on ips [''] 2024-11-22 19:16:13,453Z INFO MainThread cluster:314 Checking for /home/nutanix/.node_unconfigure to disappear on ips [''] 2024-11-22 19:16:13,720Z INFO Dummy-4 zookeeper_session.py:941 Calling zookeeper_close and invalidating zhandle 2024-11-22 19:16:13,720Z INFO MainThread cluster:3459 Success!
nutanix@PCVM:~$ cluster --cluster_function_list="multicluster" -s start 2024-11-22 19:32:46,882Z CRITICAL MainThread cluster:3235 Cluster is currently unconfigured. Please create the cluster.
The state of the cluster: start Lockdown mode: Disabled CVM: Up, ZeusLeader IkatProxy UP [45036, 45292, 45293, 45294] Zeus UP [43084, 43143, 43144, 43145, 43155, 43172] Scavenger UP [45248, 45572, 45573, 45575] SysStatCollector UP [47097, 47608, 47609, 47610] IkatControlPlane UP [47121, 47376, 47377, 47378] Medusa UP [47261, 47578, 47579, 47694, 48495] DynamicRingChanger UP [52854, 53146, 53147, 53290] InsightsDB UP [52952, 53467, 53469, 53617] Athena UP [53012, 53372, 53373, 53376] Mercury UP [53056, 53603, 53604, 53641] Mantle UP [53091, 53571, 53572, 53611] MessageBus UP [55096, 55283, 55284] InsightsDataTransfer UP [56208, 56515, 56516, 56532, 56534, 56535, 56536, 56537, 56538, 56539, 56540, 56541, 56542, 56543] GoErgon UP [56231, 56716, 56717, 56834] Prism UP [56255, 56820, 56821, 57059, 57856, 57916] Adonis UP [56304, 56946, 56948, 56950, 56997] AsyncProcessor UP [56399, 56998, 56999, 57000, 57002] AlertManager UP [56545, 57575, 57576, 58050] Catalog UP [56598, 57295, 57296, 57298, 57350] Atlas UP [56796, 57398, 57399, 57400] Uhura UP [56876, 57494, 57495, 57496] ClusterConfig UP [57042, 57593, 57594, 57595] APLOSEngine UP [57187, 57810, 57811, 57812] APLOS UP [58158, 58538, 58539, 58541] StatsGateway UP [58215, 58608, 58609, 58668] DomainManager UP [58349, 58780, 58781] PlacementSolver UP [58611, 59079, 59080, 59081, 59150] GoLazan UP [58661, 59153, 59154, 59155] Lazan UP [58798, 59259, 59260, 59261] Kanon UP [59087, 59423, 59424, 59425] Polaris UP [59307, 59674, 59676, 59898] Metropolis UP [59375, 59811, 59812, 59904] Flow UP [59485, 59978, 59979, 59980, 60004] Magneto UP [59583, 60098, 60099, 60100] Search UP [59743, 60265, 60267, 60269, 60293, 60294, 60295, 60497] XPlay UP [59870, 60281, 60282, 60391] XTrim UP [59972, 60462, 60463, 60464] DataProviderManager UP [60060, 60668, 60669, 60732, 60885] Pollux UP [60147, 60907, 60908, 60989, 60990] ClusterHealth UP [60285, 61047, 61048] Neuron UP [60534, 61206, 61207, 61763, 61814, 61815, 61829, 61830] Categories UP [60752, 61509, 61510, 61545, 61632] ClusterManagement UP [61125, 61593, 61594, 61595] 2024-11-22 19:48:06,371Z INFO MainThread cluster:3459 Success!
ただ、Prism Centralにはログインできるようになったので、クラスターの破壊をしてみたいと思います。
ということは、Prism Elementから登録解除しても、ブラックリストには当てはまらないのでは?ということで、登録解除を行います。
ncli multicluster remove-from-multicluster external-ip-address-or-svm-ips=pc-name-or-ip username=pc-username password=pc-password
Unregistering the PE from PC is not a supported workflow. Are you sure you want to proceed(Y/N) ?(Refer to KB-15679 for details): Y Processing request for cluster unregistration. This operation may take a while. Cluster data cleanup will not be done as part of the current operation. To ensure proper completion of the operation, execute below command. multicluster remove-from-multicluster cluster-id=<Cluster UUID> username=<Username> password=<Password> external-ip-address-or-svm-ips=<Cluster IP> cleanup_only=true Error: {"correctiveMessages":["This cluster is not added to the remote PC. Execute unregistration on this machine using local_only"]}
Prism CentralのクラスターUUIDが不明だから登録解除みたいですね。
local_only=true つけてみます。
Unregistering the PE from PC is not a supported workflow. Are you sure you want to proceed(Y/N) ?(Refer to KB-15679 for details): Y
Processing request for cluster unregistration. This operation may take a while.
Cluster data cleanup will not be done as part of the current operation.
To ensure proper completion of the operation, execute below command.
multicluster remove-from-multicluster cluster-id=<Cluster UUID> username=<Username> password=<Password> external-ip-address-or-svm-ips=<Cluster IP> cleanup_only=true
Error: {"correctiveMessages":["Prism Element has 1 protected entity(ies). Refer to KB 12749 for resolution."]}
Scenario 2: Unregister PC from PE (PC and PE connectivity is either not normal or PC is deleted without being unregistered)
nutanix@CVM:$ ncli multicluster get-cluster-state Registered Cluster Count: 1 Cluster Id : 10de8640-8b27-4654-8f5a-b1c99702e3ae Cluster Name : Unnamed Is Multicluster : true Controller VM IP Addre... : [] External or Masqueradi... : Cluster FQDN : Controller VM NAT IP A... : Marked for Removal : false Remote Connection Exists : false
nutanix@CVM:$ ncli multicluster delete-cluster-state cluster-id=10de8640-8b27-4654-8f5a-b1c99702e3ae Cluster data cleanup will not be done as part of the current operation. To ensure proper completion of the operation, execute below command. multicluster remove-from-multicluster cluster-id=<Cluster UUID> username=<Username> password=<Password> external-ip-address-or-svm-ips=<Cluster IP> cleanup_only=true Cluster state deleted successfully
nutanix@CVM:$ allssh genesis stop prism && cluster start
Prism Centralでは元々の登録名が表示されました。
Prism Elementでは登録前の状態に戻りました。
確かにPrism Centralへの接続は元に戻りましたが、不具合?が発生しています。
- NCMのライセンスが付与されておらず、marketplaceへのアクセス不可→MSPの有効化に失敗していることが原因。
- LCMの実行不可→DNSサーバの設定が初期化されたことが原因
- NTPサーバ及びDNSサーバの設定は初期化→再度設定すればよし
- Prism Elementでは登録解除前のPCVMのvCPUとメモリが表示されているが、どうやらPCVMの内部的には初期状態のリソースで認識しているようです。そのため、VMダッシュボードからUpdateを行ってください。この時リソースは変更する必要はありません。
クラスターの再構築後、そのクラスターからDR機能で再度VMをレプリケーションすれば元通りです。もちろん、Data Replicationの設定でストレージコンテナーを指定をする必要があるので、再度設定が必要です。