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nutanix@NTNX-HOME-A-CVM:$ which cluster





#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2012-2019 Nutanix Inc. All rights reserved.
# Author:
# This scripts start/stop/create/destroy a cluster from vma for
# developer machine using a cluster.cfg file as input.

from __future__ import print_function
assert __name__ == "__main__", "This module should NOT be imported."

# Setup Python 3 environmental variables.
import os
GENESIS_VIRTUALENV_PATH = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(
__file__), "../.venv/bin/bin/python3.9"))
if os.environ.get("PYTHON_TARGET_VERSION") is None:
os.environ["PYTHON_TARGET_VERSION"] = "3.9"
if os.environ.get("PYTHON_TARGET_PATH") is None:

# This must be the first line!
import env
import concurrent.futures
import collections
import gflags
import getpass
import json
import logging
import re
import shlex
import shutil
import six
import sys
import time
import traceback
import uuid

import cluster.client.ce_helper as ce_helper
import cluster.client.consts # FLAGS.
import cluster.client.genesis_utils as genesis_utils
import cluster.client.upgrade_helper as upgrade_helper
import cluster.client.cluster_upgrade as cluster_upgrade
import cluster.client.host_upgrade_common as host_upgrade_common
import cluster.client.host_upgrade_helper as host_upgrade_helper
import cluster.client.sshkeys_helper as sshkeys_helper
import cluster.client.utils.foundation_utils as foundation_utils
import cluster.client.utils.pmem_utils as pmem_utils
import cluster.utils.genesis_rack_utils as genesis_rack_utils
from cluster.utils.rf1_api import get_rf1_vms, get_rf1_containers
import cluster.utils.new_node_nos_upgrade as new_node_upgrade
import cluster.client.foundation_upgrade_helper as foundation_upgrade_helper
import cluster.client.genesis.convert_cluster.utils as conversion_utils
import cluster.client.genesis.networking.helper as nw_helper
import cluster.client.genesis.ns.backplane_utils as backplane_utils
import cluster.client.genesis.ns.helper as ns_helper
import prism_client.proto.prism_auth_pb2 as prism_auth_pb2
import util.cluster.consts # For FLAGS: nutanix_log_dir.
import util.ndb.misc.rack_utils as rack_utils
import cluster.client.security_helper as security_helper
import cluster.client.service.service_utils as utils

from six.moves import input

from util.disklib.disk import Disk
from cluster.cluster_config import ClusterConfig
from cluster.client.consts import NodeTypes, SshAccessMode
from cluster.client.ipv4config import IPv4Config
from cluster.client.firewall.consts import node_states
from cluster.client.genesis.client import genesis_proxy as proxy
from cluster.genesis.cluster_manager import ClusterManager
from cluster.genesis.convert_cluster.cluster_conversion import \
from cluster.genesis.node_manager import NodeManager
from cluster.genesis.ns.network_segmentation import NetworkSegmentation
from cluster.two_node.cluster_manager import TwoNodeClusterManager
from ergon.ergon_types_pb2 import Task
from util.base import log
from util.base.command import timed_command
from util.base.command_executor import CommandExecutor
from util.base.sudo import read_file_as_root
from util.ndb.uvm.vm_type import is_minerva_vm
from import RpcError
from import SSHClient
from util.zeus import utils as zeus_utils
from zeus.configuration import ConfigurationProto, Configuration
from zeus.domain_fault_tolerance_state_pb2 import DomainFaultToleranceState
from zeus.zookeeper_session import ZookeeperSession
except ImportError as err:
sys.stderr.write("Failed to import a package. Ensure the build version and "
"architecture are compatible with the system.")

FLAGS = gflags.FLAGS

gflags.DEFINE_string("config", "",
"Path to the cluster configuration file.",
gflags.DEFINE_string("cluster_name", "",
"Name of the cluster (use with create).")
gflags.DEFINE_list("cluster_function_list", ClusterManager.NDFS_FUNCTION,
"List of functions of the cluster (use with create). "
"Accepted functions are %s" %
gflags.DEFINE_boolean("add_dependencies", False,
"Include Dependencies.", short_name="d")
gflags.DEFINE_boolean("wait", True, "Wait for action to complete.",
gflags.DEFINE_string("migrate_from", "",
"The old zeus node IP address for Zeus migration.")
gflags.DEFINE_string("migrate_to", "",
"The new zeus node IP address for Zeus migration.")
gflags.DEFINE_integer("timeout", 180,
"Number of seconds each command to SVMs should take.",
gflags.DEFINE_string("svm_login", "nutanix",
"User name for logging into SVM.")
gflags.DEFINE_string("installer_dir_path", "",
"Location of the Nutanix installer directory.",
gflags.DEFINE_string("svm_ips", "",
"Comma separated list of IP addresses of one or more "
"SVMs in the target cluster. "
"Not required if cluster.cfg is being used.",
gflags.DEFINE_string("cluster_external_ip", "",
"Cluster ip to manage the entire cluster.")
gflags.DEFINE_string("cluster_uuid", "",
"Cluster uuid for cluster in string format.")
# This is so that we can use HA 2.0 when upgrading from 3.5 to future Genesis.
# Please remove this flag after the new HA is present.
"Installs the infrastructure package on all of the "
gflags.DEFINE_string("ip_specification_json", "",
"JSON file with IP configuration.", short_name="j")
"Nutanix default SSH public key.")
"Identifier of the public ssh key in the cluster.")
"Path of protobuf egg relative to the install dir.")
gflags.DEFINE_string("upgrade_node_ip", "",
"Ipv4 or IPv6 address of node to be upgraded.",
gflags.DEFINE_integer("stand_alone_upgrade_timeout", 600,
"Timeout for stand-alone upgrade.")
gflags.DEFINE_string("shutdown_token_ip", "",
"IP address of intended shutdown token holder SVM.")
gflags.DEFINE_bool("manual_upgrade", False,
"Manual upgrade method.", short_name="m")
gflags.DEFINE_integer("redundancy_factor", -1,
"Number of replicas of data as kept in cluster. Cluster"
"will tolerate node failure of 'redundancy_factor -1'"
gflags.DEFINE_string("verification_file", "",
"Metadata file for package integrity, upgrade info.",
gflags.DEFINE_boolean("ignore_preupgrade_tests", False,
"Perform preupgrade tests",
gflags.DEFINE_boolean("skip_upgrade", False, "Skip actual upgrade.")
gflags.DEFINE_boolean("skip_reconfig", False, "Skip CVM reconfig.")
gflags.DEFINE_boolean("no_verification", True,
"Skip verification for package integrity.",
gflags.DEFINE_boolean("skip_discovery", False, "Skip discovery.")
# TODO: use one gflag for all workflow bundles.
gflags.DEFINE_string("bundle", "", "Bundle for upgrading host in cluster.")
gflags.DEFINE_string("version", "", "Version to which upgrade needs to be "
gflags.DEFINE_string("md5sum", "", "Md5sum of the bundle.")
gflags.DEFINE_string("hypervisor", "", "Hypervisor that needs to be upgraded. "
"Possible values: esx, kvm, hyperv.")
gflags.DEFINE_string("domain_username", "","Domain username of the hosts.")
gflags.DEFINE_string("domain_password", "", "Domain password of the hosts.")
gflags.DEFINE_string("hyperv_sku", "", "Hypervisor sku to which the HyperV "
"host is being upgraded.")
gflags.DEFINE_boolean("host_upgrade", False, "Operation specified will be "
"done in context of host_upgrade")
gflags.DEFINE_string("hardware_device_type", "",
"Type of hardware device. Please specify one of the "
"following: disk nic hba bios bmc. (Currently supported: "
"disk, bios, bmc.)",
gflags.DEFINE_boolean("foundation_upgrade", False, "Operation specified will be"
" done in context of foundation upgrade")
gflags.DEFINE_boolean("seed_prism_password", True,
"Seed Prism admin password to be the same as the nutanix "
"user if nutanix user has non-default password.")
"Seed prism admin password only if the password hash "
"does not contain this salt.")
gflags.DEFINE_boolean("helpfull", False, "Show flags for all modules")
gflags.DEFINE_string("target_hypervisor", "", "Target hypervisor type for "
"cluster conversion. Valid types esx/kvm.")
gflags.DEFINE_boolean("ignore_vm_conversion_warnings", False,
"Ignore vm conversion errors during cluster conversion.")
gflags.DEFINE_boolean("remove_installer_dir", True, "Whether or not to "
"remove the installer directory automatically when "
"finished.", short_name="r")
gflags.DEFINE_boolean("backplane_network", False, "Backplane network config")
gflags.DEFINE_integer("backplane_vlan", -1, "Backplane VLAN id")
gflags.DEFINE_string("backplane_subnet", "", "Backplane subnet")
gflags.DEFINE_string("backplane_netmask", "", "Backplane netmask")
gflags.DEFINE_string("container_name", "",
"Name of the default container on the cluster.")
gflags.DEFINE_string("dns_servers", "",
"Comma separated list of one or more DNS servers.")
gflags.DEFINE_string("ntp_servers", "",
"Comma separated list of one or more NTP servers.")
gflags.DEFINE_string("vcenter_json_file", "",
"File containing vcenter details for dial workflow. "
"The json has host, username and password keys.")
gflags.DEFINE_bool("enable_lite_upgrade", True,
"Set to False to disable lite upgrade before it is ready.")
gflags.DEFINE_bool("rack_aware", False,
"Set to True to enable rack awareness. This workflow is "
"unsupported, in favour of configuring rack awareness on a "
"created cluster")
gflags.DEFINE_bool("block_aware", False,
"Set to True to enable block awareness. This workflow is "
"unsupported, in favour of configuring block awareness on a "
"created cluster")
gflags.DEFINE_bool("vcenter_not_required", False,
"Set it to true if vcenter is not used to manage ESX "
gflags.DEFINE_string("rack_config_json_path", "",
"Path to the json file containing svm_ips to rack name"
"mapping. Json file will contain svm_ips as the keys and "
"the name of the rack they belong to, as values")
gflags.DEFINE_string("provided_root_certificate", "", "File to be used as the "
"root certificate when creating or upgrading a cluster.")
gflags.DEFINE_string("provided_root_certificate_key", "", "File to be used as "
"the root CA private key.")
gflags.DEFINE_string("ncc_precheck_args", "",
"Additional args to pass to NCC during precheck.")
gflags.DEFINE_bool("skip_ncc_prechecks", False,
"If set to true, skip NCC checks during preupgrade.")
gflags.DEFINE_bool("skip_rf1_vms_check", False,
"If set to true, skip checking if there are running RF1 VMs "
"which will get rebooted during upgrade")
gflags.DEFINE_bool("skip_genesis_gateway_server_stop", False,
"If set to true, skip stopping the genesis gateway server "
"after initialising the cluster during cluster create ")

# Cluster create security related GFLAGS

# Security internal service dependent gflags
gflags.DEFINE_string("cluster_create_access_key", "",
"Public key of external agent to be added to authorized "
"keys of all svm ips provided in input. The key is "
"authorized to allow access for the duration of cluster "
"create only.")
#ToDO: ENG-575620 Fix clean up of the above key

# Security configuration gflags
"Lockdown mode is the highest security mode available for a "
"cluster as it disables SSH access completely to the "
"cluster.", short_name="l")
"Password lockdown mode is the penultimate security "
"hardening as it disables SSH access only via password. SSH "
"access can be still performed via external access keys")
gflags.DEFINE_string("encrypted_password", "",
"Encrypted password to be applied on the cluster")
gflags.DEFINE_list("external_access_keys", [],
"Public ssh keys to be added to external keys of the "

# NOTE: Today, this is an internal debugging hook, provided for testing purposes only.
gflags.DEFINE_string("cluster_flags", "",
"Comma seperated list of strings, each denoting a "
"boolean cluster flag")

KERNEL_PACKAGE_RE = re.compile(r"linux-image-.*")
FUSION_IO_PACKAGE_RE = re.compile(r"(fio|libvsl|iomemory).*")
LINK_LOCAL_RE = re.compile(r'^fe80:')

255: "Timed out while trying to connect to host"

def get_default_ssh_key():
Get ssh default key.
return os.environ.get("SSH_KEY")

def block_as_long_as_file_exists(path, svm_ips):
This method blocks as long as a file exists at 'path' on svms specified in
the 'svm_ips'.

path: Name of the file to check for.

svm_ips: List of svm ip addresses where path must disappear.

Returns True if file has vanished on all svms. Returns False otherwise.
ssh_key = get_default_ssh_key()
cmd = "test ! -f %s" % path
ips = svm_ips[:]
while ips:
log.INFO("Checking for %s to disappear on ips %s" % (path, ips))
with CommandExecutor(len(ips)) as ce:
for ip in ips:
ssh_client = SSHClient(ip, FLAGS.svm_login, private_key=ssh_key)
ssh_client.execute(cmd, cmd_executor=ce)

while ce.num_unfinished():

done = set()
for ii in ce.finished():
if ce.result(ii)[0] == 0:

ips = list(set(ips).difference(done))
if ips:
return True

def maybe_check_and_set_passed_certs():
Validation function if certs are passed as parameters and puts them in the
correct place if they are.
if FLAGS.provided_root_certificate and FLAGS.provided_root_certificate_key:
if (not os.path.exists(FLAGS.provided_root_certificate) or
not os.path.exists(FLAGS.provided_root_certificate_key)):
log.FATAL("Provided bad flags for root certificate information")
ca_path = os.join(FLAGS.authn_certs_root_path, FLAGS.authn_root_ca)
key_path = os.join(FLAGS.authn_certs_root_path, FLAGS.authn_root_ca_key)
# Ensure the directory is there with the appropriate permissions.
if not os.path.isdir(FLAGS.authn_certs_root_path):
# We need to make the certs directory on all nodes and give it the
# appropriate permissions.
config_create_cmd = "sudo mkdir -p %s" % FLAGS.authn_certs_root_path
permissions_cmd = ("sudo chown nutanix:nutanix %s"
% FLAGS.authn_certs_root_path)
for cmd in [config_create_cmd, permissions_cmd]:
ret, out, err = timed_command(cmd)
if ret != 0:
log.ERROR("Failed to create directory for certificates %s" % err)
return False
shutil.copyfile(FLAGS.proviced_root_certificate, ca_path)
shutil.copyfile(FLAGS.proviced_root_certificate_key, key_path)
except (OSError, IOError) as ex:
log.ERROR("Got exception %s" % ex)
return False
elif (FLAGS.provided_root_certificate or
log.ERROR("Need to provide both root certificate and key flags")
return False
return True

def start_genesis(svm_ips):
Returns True if Genesis is started on all svms. Returns False otherwise.

svm_ips: List of svm ip addresses for whom genesis should be restarted.

username: Must be 'nutanix'.

keypath: Path to the ssh key used to login into the svms.

timeout_secs: Number of seconds this operation is expected to take.
result = True
cmd_map = dict((ip, "%s start" % FLAGS.genesis_path) for ip in svm_ips)
result_map = genesis_utils.run_command_on_svms(cmd_map)
for ip, (ret, out, err) in six.iteritems(result_map):
if ret == 0:
log.INFO("Started Genesis on %s." % ip)
result = False
if ret == -1:
log.ERROR("Starting Genesis timed out on %s." % ip)
log.ERROR("Starting Genesis failed on %s." % ip)
log.DEBUG("out, err:\n%s\n%s" % (out, err))
return result

def stop_genesis(svm_ips):
Returns True if Genesis is stopped on all svms. Returns False otherwise.

svm_ips: List of svm ip addresses for whom genesis should be restarted.
return stop_service(svm_ips, "genesis")

def stop_service(svm_ips, service):
Returns True if 'service' is stopped on all svms. Returns False otherwise.

svm_ips: List of svm ip addresses where 'service' should be stopped.
service: The name of the service to stop.
result = True
cmd_map = dict((ip, "%s stop %s" % (FLAGS.genesis_path, service))
for ip in svm_ips)
result_map = genesis_utils.run_command_on_svms(cmd_map)
for ip, (ret, out, err) in six.iteritems(result_map):
if ret == 0:
log.INFO("Stopped %s on %s." % (service, ip))
result = False
if ret == -1:
log.ERROR("Stopping %s timed out on %s." % (service, ip))
log.ERROR("Stopping %s failed on %s." % (service, ip))
log.DEBUG("out, err:\n%s\n%s" % (out, err))
return result

def restart_genesis(svm_ips):
Returns True if Genesis is started on all svms. Returns False otherwise.

svm_ips: List of svm ip addresses for whom genesis should be restarted.

username: Must be 'nutanix'.

keypath: Path to the ssh key used to login into the svms.

timeout_secs: Number of seconds this operation is expected to take.
result = True
cmd_map = dict((ip, "%s restart" % FLAGS.genesis_path) for ip in svm_ips)
result_map = genesis_utils.run_command_on_svms(cmd_map)
for ip, (ret, out, err) in six.iteritems(result_map):
if ret == 0:
log.INFO("Restarted Genesis on %s." % ip)
result = False
if ret == -1:
log.ERROR("Restarting Genesis timed out on %s." % ip)
log.ERROR("Restarting Genesis failed on %s." % ip)
log.ERROR("Stdout: %s\nStderr:%s" % (out, err))
return result

def get_svm_ips(cc):
Returns the svm ips found the in cluster config.

cc: ClusterConfig object.
svm_ips = []
badconfig = False
for esxhost in cc.esx_hosts():
ip = cc[esxhost]["svm_ip"]
if not ip:
badconfig = True
log.ERROR("Esxhost section %s has no svm_ip field" % esxhost)

if badconfig:
return None
return svm_ips

def format_node(node):
node_ip = node.get("svm_ip", None) or node["ip"]
out_str = "ip: %s\n\t" % node_ip
display_keys = ("rackable_unit_serial", "node_position", "node_uuid")
return out_str + "\n\t".join("%s: %s" % (k, node[k]) for k in display_keys)

def read_specification_file_json():
Opens and loads the json configuration file specified by
'FLAGS.ip_specification_json' and returns the loaded value if the file
loading is successful.
Returns the loaded symbols if successfule else returns 'None'.
def check_for_duplicate_keys(ordered_pairs):
# Check if file has duplicate keys.
d = {}
for k, v in ordered_pairs:
if k in d:
log.ERROR("Duplicate Entry %s:%s exists." % (k, d))
raise Exception
d[k] = v
return d

if not os.path.exists(FLAGS.ip_specification_json):
log.ERROR("%s file not found" % FLAGS.ip_specification_json)
return None

with open(FLAGS.ip_specification_json) as jsonfile:
ipspec = json.load(jsonfile,
except ValueError:
log.ERROR("%s file is not a valid JSON file"
% FLAGS.ip_specification_json)
return None
except IOError:
log.ERROR("Error loading %s file" % FLAGS.ip_specification_json)
return None
except Exception:
log.ERROR("Exception while reading %s file" % FLAGS.ip_specification_json)
return None

return ipspec

def get_svm_ips_json():

ipspec = read_specification_file_json()
if not ipspec:
return None

svm_ips = []
for key, value in ipspec["IP Addresses"].items():

return svm_ips

def get_cluster_external_ip_json():
Returns the cluster-external_ip from the json specification file if
successful otherwise returns None.
ipspec = read_specification_file_json()
if not ipspec:
return None

return ipspec.get("Cluster External IP", "")

def do_backplane_ipconfig(svmips):
Applies backplane network config to each node of the cluster.
The SVM external IPs (eth0) need to be pre-configured.
svmips: list of svm external IP addresses.
The FLAGS relevant for this command:
backplane_network - boolean (Needs to be set to True)
backplane_vlan - vlan_id (Optional)
backplane_subnet - backplane subnet (e.g. "") Mandatory
backplane_netmask - backplane netmask (e.g. "") Mandatory
CLI format:
cluster -s <svmips> --backplane_network --backplane_vlan=<vlan-id>
--backplane_subnet=<subnet> --backplane_netmask=<netmask> ipconfig
cluster -s <svmips> --backplane_network --backplane_subnet=<subnet>
--backplane_netmask=<netmask> ipconfig
e.g. cluster -s ",," --backplane_network
--backplane_subnet="" --backplane_netmask=""
--backplane_vlan=100 ipconfig
ret, err = get_validate_backplane_conf(svmips, validate_only=True)
if not ret:
return False
bp_vlan = FLAGS.backplane_vlan

bp_subnet = FLAGS.backplane_subnet
bp_netmask = FLAGS.backplane_netmask
if not bp_subnet or not bp_netmask:
log.ERROR("backplane_subnet '%s' and backplane_netmask '%s' are "
"mandatory params" % (bp_subnet, bp_netmask))
return False

if len(svmips) < 3:
log.ERROR("Backplane IP supported for clusters with 3 or more nodes")
return False

if bp_vlan == -1:
bp_vlan = None
elif bp_vlan < 0 or bp_vlan > 4095:
log.ERROR("Valid vlan id range is 0 - 4095")
return False

ret = ns_helper.allocate_cluster_backplane_ips(svmips, bp_subnet, bp_netmask)
ret_status, ret_val = ret
if not ret_status:
log.ERROR("Could not allocate backplane IPs for cluster nodes: %s"
% ret_val)
return False

ip_address_map = ret_val

log.INFO("IP address allocated %s" % ip_address_map)

failed = False
for svm_ext_ip in svmips:
ret = genesis_utils.call_genesis_method(
[svm_ext_ip], NodeManager.configure_backplane_ip, (bp_netmask,
ip_address_map[svm_ext_ip][0], ip_address_map[svm_ext_ip][1], bp_vlan))

if isinstance(ret, RpcError):
log.ERROR("Backplane IP config RPC failed on %s" % svm_ext_ip)
failed = True

retval, errmsg = ret
if not retval:
log.ERROR("Failed to apply backplane IP config on %s error %s"
% (svm_ext_ip, errmsg))
failed = True

if failed:
log.INFO("Backplane IP config failed for some nodes. Reverting config that"
" is already applied")
return False

log.INFO("Successfully applied backplane networking config to all nodes")
return True

def admin_user_present_in_zk():
Check whether admin user authentication credentials are present in Zookeeper.
This is required for Witness VM, as the authentication of 'admin' user wont
be based on zookeeper stored credentials.
zk_path = "/appliance/physical/userrepository"
zk_session = genesis_utils.get_zk_session(
user_data = genesis_utils.get_znode_content(zk_session, zk_path)
if user_data is None:
return False
user_proto = prism_auth_pb2.UserRepository()
for user in user_proto.user:
if user.username == "admin":
return True
return False

def do_ipconfig():
Configures IP addresses listed in Flags.ip_specification_json file.
Returns True on success and False on error.

Following is the format of JSON file.
"Cluster Name":"<Value in string>",
"Cluster External IP":"IPv4 address",
"DNS servers":"<Value in string>",
"NTP servers":"<Value in string>",
"Subnet Mask":{
"Controller":"<Valid IPv4 address>",
"Hypervisor":"<Valid IPv4 address>",
"IPMI":"<Valid IPv4 address>"
"Default Gateway":{
"Controller":"<value in string>",
"Hypervisor":"<value in string>",
"IPMI":"<value in string>"
"Discover Nodes": true,
"IP Addresses":{
"block_serial/node_position": {
"Controller":"IPv4 address",
"Hypervisor":"IPv4 address",
"IPMI":"IPv4 address"
"08b7586c-ce7c-4901-92a9-fd742e346f51/C": {
# OR
"Discover Nodes": false,
"IP Addresses":{
"IPv6%Link": {
"Controller":"IPv4 address",
"Hypervisor":"IPv4 address",
"IPMI":"IPv4 address"
"fe80::f816:3eff:fe48:f9ba%eth0": {

Cluster Name, DNS servers, NTP Servers are not used currently.
Assigning empty string to Controller/ ESX/ IPMI in "IP Addresses" leave
corresponding IPs unchanged.
e.g. "Controller" = "" will not change Controller IP.
if FLAGS.svm_ips and FLAGS.backplane_network:
# This is to apply configuration for backplane network.
svmips = FLAGS.svm_ips.split(",")
return (do_backplane_ipconfig(svmips))

ipspec = read_specification_file_json()
if not ipspec:
return False

# Input JSON file has object representing "IP Addresses".
# "IP Addresses" contain IPs to be assigned to CVM, Hypervisor, IPMI.
ip_addresses = ipspec["IP Addresses"]

if ipspec.get("Discover Nodes", True):
ip_addresses_by_name = ip_addresses
ip_addresses = {}

# Discover nodes using localhost.
discovered_nodes = genesis_utils.call_genesis_method(
["localhost"], NodeManager.discover_unconfigured_nodes, ("IPv6",))

if not discovered_nodes:
log.ERROR("Could not discover unconfigured nodes")
return False

for discovered_node in discovered_nodes:
key = "%(rackable_unit_serial)s/%(node_position)s" % discovered_node

if key in ip_addresses_by_name:
ipv6 = discovered_node["ip"]
ip_addresses[ipv6] = ip_addresses_by_name[key]
del ip_addresses_by_name[key]
log.INFO("Node %s discovered at %s" % (key, ipv6))

if ip_addresses_by_name:
log.ERROR("Nodes %r could not be discovered" %
return False

for ipv6, ips in ip_addresses.items():
def make_addr_dict(what):
if not ips.get(what):
return None
return {"address": ips[what],
"netmask": ipspec["Subnet Mask"][what],
"gateway": ipspec["Default Gateway"][what]}
except KeyError:
log.FATAL("Error in IP specification JSON")

def validate_ip(ip_dict):
This function validates the ip, subnet of host, CVM and IPMI.
These Ips are passed as dictionary.
for key, value in six.iteritems(ip_dict):
if key == "netmask":
if not IPv4Config.is_valid_netmask(value):
log.ERROR("Netmask %s is not valid." % value)
return False
elif key == "address" or key == "gateway":
if not IPv4Config.is_valid_address(value):
log.ERROR("Address %s is not valid." % value)
return False
log.ERROR("Unknown Entry %s:%v in json file." % (key, value))
return False

# Check if IP provided overlaps with reserved subnet.
ip = ip_dict["address"]
netmask = ip_dict["netmask"]
subnetip = IPv4Config.calc_subnet(ip, netmask)
res_subnet_mask = FLAGS.svm_internal_netif_netmask
res_subnet_ip = IPv4Config.calc_subnet(FLAGS.hypervisor_internal_ip,
if (IPv4Config.calc_subnet(subnetip, res_subnet_mask) == res_subnet_ip or
IPv4Config.calc_subnet(res_subnet_ip, netmask) == subnetip):
log.ERROR("IP %s/%s has subnet that overlaps with reserved subnet "
"%s/%s." % (ip, netmask, res_subnet_ip, res_subnet_mask))
return False
return True

ip_type = ["Controller", "Hypervisor", "IPMI"]
ip_dict = [make_addr_dict(ip) for ip in ip_type]
for ii in ip_dict:
if ii and not validate_ip(ii):
return False

ret = genesis_utils.call_genesis_method([ipv6], NodeManager.configure_ip,

if not ret:
log.ERROR("IP configuration RPC failed on %s" % ipv6)
return False

status, message = ret
if status != True:
log.ERROR("IP configuration failed on %s: %s" % (ipv6, message))
return False
log.INFO("IP configuration succeeded on %s" % ipv6)

return True

def get_validate_backplane_conf(svm_ips, validate_only=False):
Do validations to check if backplane can be enabled on this cluster.
Optionally fetch and return the CVM backplane IPs as well
svm_ips: List of svm ips
validate_only: If True, just perform validation checks and don't fetch
the IP addresses from the CVMs.
(True, map of cvm external ip to cvm backplane ip) on success
(False, error message) otherwise
FLAGS.backplane_network must be set as True for this function's logic to
come in effect.
if not FLAGS.backplane_network:
error = ("The gflag backplane_network must be set as True for "
"backplane network to be created")
return (False, error)
if FLAGS.cluster_function_list[0].strip() != ClusterManager.NDFS_FUNCTION:
error = "Backplane network can only be enabled on NDFS clusters"
return (False, error)

allowed_hyps = ns_helper.BackplaneNwInterface.ALLOWED_HYPS
ret, error = nw_helper.verify_allowed_hypervisors_via_rpc(
svm_ips, allowed_hyps)
if not ret:
return (False, error)

# Validate DVS status.
# Network Segmentation for backplane is not supported on DVS enabled cluster.
ret, dvs_status = ns_helper.is_dvs_enabled()
if not ret:
error = dvs_status
return (False, error)
if dvs_status:
return (False, "Network Segmentation for backplane is not supported "
"on a DVS enabled cluster")

if validate_only:
return (True, {})

# Create a map of CVM external IP to backplane IP.
backplane_cfgd = True
cvm_bp_ip_map = {}
error = ""
for svm_ext_ip in svm_ips:
addr = genesis_utils.call_genesis_method(
[svm_ext_ip], NodeManager.get_backplane_cvm_ip)

if isinstance(addr, RpcError):
error = "RPC failed to get backplane IP on %s" % svm_ext_ip
backplane_cfgd = False
if not addr:
backplane_cfgd = False
cvm_bp_ip_map[svm_ext_ip] = addr
return (backplane_cfgd, cvm_bp_ip_map)

return (False, error)

def get_boot_ssds():
Returns the number of ssds being used as boot device.
usable_disks = Disk.disks()
boot_ssds = [disk for disk in usable_disks
if utils.find_storage_tier(disk) != "DAS-SATA"
and Disk(disk).is_svm_boot_disk()]
return boot_ssds

def verify_pmem_homogeneity(svm_ips):
Verifies that PMEM Homogeneity is maintained across svm_ips input.
Helper method for cluster create.

svm_ips: IPs of nodes, across which PMEM Homogeneity is to be verified.
(bool): True, if PMEM Configuration is found homogeneous across all
Hosts and CVMs corresponding to SVMIPs input.
False otherwise.
# PMEM Homogeneity check (only on multi node setups)
if not FLAGS.pmem_support:
log.INFO("Skipping PMEM Homogeneity Check across Hosts and CVMs, as PMEM "
"is unsupported in this version of AOS")
return True
if len(svm_ips) == 1:
log.INFO("Skipping PMEM Homogeneity Check across Hosts and CVMs, on a "
"single node cluster")
return True

svm_ip_host_ip_map, failed_svm_ips = (
if failed_svm_ips:
log.ERROR("Failed to discover host IPs corresponding to SVM IPs: %s" %
return False

ret, err_msg = pmem_utils.host_pmem_homogeneity_check(
[], svm_ip_host_ip_map.values(), "ad"
if not ret:
return False

ret, err_msg = pmem_utils.cvm_pmem_homogeneity_check([], svm_ips)
if not ret:
return False

log.INFO("PMEM Homogeneity Check across Hosts and CVMs passed")
return True

# Cluster create operation related methods.

def __fetch_cluster_password():
Method to take input of password to be applied on the cluster.
encrypted_password (str): In case of success
prompt = ("Please enter the ssh password to be applied to the CVM(s) \n"
"Password: ")
password = getpass.getpass(prompt)
password = password.strip()
prompt = ("Re-enter the password to confirm \nPassword: ")
repeat_pass = getpass.getpass(prompt)
repeat_pass = repeat_pass.strip()
if repeat_pass != password:
log.FATAL("Password mismatch, aborting. Please re-attempt to create "
"the cluster.")

# Converting password using encryption key on local node.
encrypted_password = security_helper.encrypt_password(password)
if not encrypted_password:
log.FATAL("Failed to encrypt password. Please re-attempt to "
"create the cluster")

return encrypted_password

def __populate_security_config(security_config):
Method to fill up the security configuration based on gflag or CLI input
information. The configuration is required for validation of security
setting and later also to apply the security settings on the cluster.
The keys of security configuration are as follows
1) ssh_access_mode : The ssh access mode is used to control ssh config
settings on the cluster. It can have the following possible values
a) unsecure : In this mode ssh based access to the cluster is possible
via both password and keys.
b) password_disabled : In this mode ssh based access to the cluster is
blocked with password. To gain access to the cluster via keys,
it needs to be added via PRISM UI/CLI as external access keys.
The set of keys via which the access is granted to the cluster can
be found in zeus as kExternal keys
c) lockdown : In this mode ssh based access to the cluster is blocked
with password similar to password_disabled but the additional
condition this value places is that the cluster have zero
external keys.
Note: In case of lockdown mode ssh based access is not blocked via
keys as internal ssh communication still happens via keys but the
external keys are completely removed.
2) password : The password field contains an encrypted and encoded password
string which is applied to all the CVM's in the cluster. Note that
this key value is independent of the ssh_access_mode. This sounds
counterintuitive when the ssh_access_mode is either password_disabled
or lockdown mode as ssh based access via password is blocked but the
aim of this key is to change the password on all CVM's irrespective of
ssh secutity configuration level set by the client. This ensures
the clients have a password applied on the cluster which is not default
password for sure.
3) cluster_external_keys : This is a list of external keys provided by the
client to have access to the cluster. Note that this key has a
dependency on the ssh_access_mode as in lockdown mode, the expectation
is that cluster does not have any external access keys.
security_config (dict): Dictionary to be populated with security information
True (bool): In case of success
"ssh_access_mode": SshAccessMode.kUnsecure,
"password": "",
"cluster_external_keys": []

# SSH access mode value is filled based on priority order. Please ensure
# order is unmodified
if FLAGS.password_lockdown_mode and FLAGS.lockdown_mode:
log.FATAL("password_lockdown_mode and lockdown_mode cannot be enabled at "
"the same time. Please only select one of the security options")

if FLAGS.password_lockdown_mode:
security_config["ssh_access_mode"] = SshAccessMode.kPasswordDisabled
if FLAGS.lockdown_mode:
security_config["ssh_access_mode"] = SshAccessMode.kLockdown

# Password is either provided via encrypted_password gflag or interactively
# via the script. It is compulsory to provide a password in case
# cluster create password enforcement gflag is set to true irrespective of
# ssh access modes and external access keys.
if not FLAGS.encrypted_password:
if FLAGS.cluster_create_password_enforcement:
security_config["password"] = __fetch_cluster_password()
security_config["password"] = FLAGS.encrypted_password

if FLAGS.external_access_keys:
security_config["cluster_external_keys"] = FLAGS.external_access_keys

return True

def __validate_cluster_create(svm_ips, cluster_uuid="",
Method to do certain validations based on the input or populated/modified
input parameters and fail early in case of failure scenarios. The method
is aimed to perform the following validations
1) Ensure cluster_function_list input is valid and is one of the
supported configurations
2) Ensure redundancy factor requirements of number of nodes is satisfied
3) Ensure cluster_uuid in case passed as an input is a valid UUID
4) Ensure the combinations of key value pairs present in
security_configuration are supported and have valid values
svm_ips ([str]): A list of SVM IP addresses which are part of cluster create
cluster_uuid (str): A unique identification of cluster
security_configuration (dict): A dictionary containing security specific
settings to be applied to the cluster
True (bool): In case of success
False (bool): In case of failure
if len(FLAGS.cluster_function_list) != 1:
log.FATAL("Expect 1 function for cluster_function_list")

if (FLAGS.cluster_function_list[0].strip() not in
log.FATAL("Valid arguments for cluster_function_list are %s" %
", ".join(ClusterManager.CLUSTER_FUNCTIONS_BITMAP.keys()))

if not genesis_utils.is_valid_redundancy_factor(svm_ips,
log.FATAL("Invalid redundancy factor value: %d. Allowed values [2-3] for "
"multi-node clusters" % FLAGS.redundancy_factor)

if cluster_uuid != "":
# Good idea to validate user input.
cluster_uuid = str(uuid.UUID(cluster_uuid))
except ValueError:
log.ERROR("Invalid cluster_uuid specified -- %s" % cluster_uuid)
return False

# Validate security configuration and password to be applied.

# ToDO: Convert validate security config into an RPC and ensure it returns
# the error to be propogated. This allows other clients like Cluster create
# from PC access the same for validation.
if security_configuration:
if not security_helper.validate_security_configurations(
log.ERROR("Failed to validate the modified security config.")
return False

encrypted_password = security_configuration.get("password", "")
if encrypted_password:
ret, error_list = security_helper.validate_cvm_password(
if not ret:
log.ERROR("Password validation rules failed with the following errors"
"\n %s" % "\n".join(error_list))
return False

return True

def do_config(svm_ips, cluster_external_ip):
Method performs cluster create with ips `svm_ips` and `cluster_external_ip`
The configuration code is common across different cluster types (PE, PC..),
this leads to specific behaviour based on the cluster type also.
The operations performed include, but are not limited to, the following:
1) Populates default values required by cluster initialization if required
a) Redundancy factor (RF)
Redundancy factor determines the number of copies of data is
stored in the cluster. This in turn allows the number of
nodes that can be down at some instance in time.
RF Number of copies Fault Tolerance (F.T) No of zk
1 1 0 1
2 2 1 2(F.T)+1 = 3
3 3 2 2(F.T)+1 = 5
b)Fault tolerance (FT)
Ability of nutanix cluster to unexpected node down events
In case of RF2, FT is one indicating it can cope up with one node
down failure scenarios. Similarly in case of RF is 3, FT is
two indicating the system has a capability to tolerate two
node down failures
c) Minimun number of zknodes required for the FT
b) cluster uuid used for unique identification of a cluster
c) security configuration
2) Acts as a precheck layer to not proceed further in case of unsupported
a) Ensure number of nodes is sufficient to support redundancy
b) Ensure cluster uuid is valid
c) Ensure security configuration values and combinations are valid
# redundancy_factor=-1 indicates that no redundancy_factor flag was passed.
# Mutli-node cluster default to 2. Single node clusters with the default
# NDFS cluster function default to 2.
if FLAGS.redundancy_factor == -1:
FLAGS.redundancy_factor = genesis_utils.determine_rf_factor(
len(svm_ips), FLAGS.cluster_function_list)
fault_tolerance = FLAGS.redundancy_factor - 1

# Populating num of zknodes required based on fault tolerance.
num_zk_nodes = (
zeus_utils.num_zk_nodes_required(fault_tolerance, len(svm_ips)))

# Populating cluster uuid in case not provided via gflag.
# Set the UUID if not already.
cluster_uuid = FLAGS.cluster_uuid
if cluster_uuid == "":
# If we are a physical cluster the UUID has the cluster id
# baked into it.
factory_config =
if factory_config.get("rackable_unit_model","null") != "null":
# Incarnation id just needs to be large and positive.
cluster_id = factory_config.get("cluster_id")
incarnation_id = int(time.time() * 1e6)
cluster_uuid = genesis_utils.generate_uuid_from_cluster_info(
cluster_id, incarnation_id)
cluster_uuid = str(uuid.uuid4())

security_config = dict()
if FLAGS.cluster_create_security_opts:
if not __populate_security_config(security_config):
log.ERROR("Failed to get the security configuration information")
return False

ret = __validate_cluster_create(svm_ips, cluster_uuid, security_config)
if not ret:
return False

# Check if its a single node cluster type.
single_node_cluster_types = [

single_node_cluster = False
for xx in single_node_cluster_types:
if xx in FLAGS.cluster_function_list:
single_node_cluster = True

# Enable two node cluster variable in case two node cluster function.
two_node_cluster = False
if ClusterManager.TWO_NODE_CLUSTER_FUNCTION in FLAGS.cluster_function_list:
log.INFO("Creating a 2-node cluster with redundancy factor 2")
two_node_cluster = True

# In case it is a single node backup cluster ensure
# 1) function list is force set to one node cluster function.
# 2) Ensure the snb cluster is not having only a single ssd.
is_snb_cluster = genesis_utils.is_single_node_backup_cluster(
svm_ips, FLAGS.redundancy_factor)
if is_snb_cluster:
FLAGS.cluster_function_list = [ClusterManager.ONE_NODE_CLUSTER_FUNCTION]
# Cannot create one node backup cluster if the number of boot ssds
# is less than 2
boot_ssds = get_boot_ssds()
if len(boot_ssds) < 2:
log.ERROR("Cannot create one node backup cluster as not enough boot "
"ssds are present to facilitate backup on this cluster "
"Available no of boot ssds is %s" % len(boot_ssds))
return False

# In prechecks ensure that cluster function list has only one entry always.
function = FLAGS.cluster_function_list[0].strip()
cluster_function = ClusterManager.CLUSTER_FUNCTIONS_BITMAP[function]

# Ensure number of svm ips provided are sufficient for the cluster creation
# and are unique.
if (single_node_cluster == False and not is_snb_cluster):
if two_node_cluster:
log.CHECK_EQ(len(svm_ips), 2)
if len(svm_ips) < num_zk_nodes:
# We already do this as part cluster_init and fail then. Catching this
# early helps avoiding setting up zk nodes (so we don't end up in a bad state)
log.FATAL("At least %d nodes required to support redundancy factor %d"
% (num_zk_nodes, FLAGS.redundancy_factor))

if len(svm_ips) != len(set(svm_ips)):
log.FATAL("Provide unique IPs for cluster creation.")

# Ensure DNS servers are valid ip addresses.
dns_servers = None
if FLAGS.dns_servers:
dns_servers = FLAGS.dns_servers.split(",")
# Check if there are any invalid IPv4 addresses in the DNS IP list.
invalid_dns_ips = [ip for ip in dns_servers if not
if invalid_dns_ips:
log.FATAL("Invalid IPv4 addresses in list of dns_servers %s"
% invalid_dns_ips)

ntp_servers = None
if FLAGS.ntp_servers:
ntp_servers = FLAGS.ntp_servers.split(",")

deadline = time.time() + FLAGS.timeout
node_map = {}
cluster_arch = None

# TODO: Remove the force block completely.
# Discover node information via ndp disovery to fetch all svm_ips node
# information as node list.
if FLAGS.skip_discovery:
for svm_ip in svm_ips:
node_manager = proxy.import_service(svm_ip, NodeManager)
retry_count = 0
while True:
node_info = node_manager.get_published_info()
if isinstance(node_info, RpcError):
if retry_count < 10:
log.WARNING("Node %s is not ready yet. Retrying." % svm_ip)
retry_count = retry_count + 1
log.FATAL("Node %s is not reachable. Aborting." % svm_ip)
# Copy over the actual model-string to rackable_unit_model.
node_info["rackable_unit_model"] = node_info["model_string"]
node_ip = node_info.get("svm_ip", None)
if not node_ip:
log.FATAL("Failed to force discover node %s" % svm_ip)
node_map[node_ip] = node_info
# use node["ip"] for the node-ip across both if and else cases.
node_info["ip"] = node_ip
# Discover only the required nodes based on ipv4 filters.
discovered_nodes = genesis_utils.call_genesis_method(
["localhost", ], NodeManager.discover_unconfigured_nodes,
("IPv4", svm_ips))
if isinstance(discovered_nodes, RpcError):
log.FATAL("Failed to discover nodes. RPC failed")
if len(discovered_nodes) != len(svm_ips):
discovered_ips = [node["ip"] for node in discovered_nodes]
failed_ips = set(svm_ips) - set(discovered_ips)
log.FATAL("Could not discover all nodes specified. Please make sure that "
"the SVMs from which you wish to create the cluster are not "
"already part of another cluster. Undiscovered ips : %s" %

# Create node ip to node dictionary.
for node in discovered_nodes:
node_ip = node["ip"]
if node_ip in svm_ips:
log.INFO("Discovered node: \n%s\n" % format_node(node))
node_map[node_ip] = node

node_info_list = discovered_nodes

# Ensure every node architecture is same (uniformity of architecture).
for node_info in node_info_list:
# Check if all nodes belong to the same arch.
node_arch = node_info.get("arch", None)
if node_arch:
if cluster_arch and node_arch != cluster_arch:
log.ERROR("Nodes on different archs, cluster cannot be created")
return False
if not cluster_arch:
cluster_arch = node_arch
log.ERROR("Cannot verify arch of svm %s" % node_info["ip"])
return False
log.INFO("Cluster is on arch %s" % cluster_arch)

if not verify_pmem_homogeneity(svm_ips):
return False

backplane_cfgd, cvm_bp_ip_map = get_validate_backplane_conf(svm_ips)
if not backplane_cfgd:
cvm_bp_ip_map = {}

sx_nodes = []
nx_nodes = []
block_to_node_ips_map = {}

# Create a map of rackable unit to list of ips of nodes which belong to this
# rackable unit.
makes = set()
types = set()
for node_ip, node in node_map.items():
block_id = node["rackable_unit_serial"]
if block_id not in block_to_node_ips_map:
block_to_node_ips_map[block_id] = [node["ip"]]

if node["attributes"] and node["attributes"].get("is_xpress_node", False):

make, _ = node.get("cpu_type", (None, None))
if make:

default_type = "appliance"
if node["attributes"]:
# If the license type doesn't exist, assume the default.
node_type = node["attributes"].get("license_class", default_type)
# Missing attributes, assume the defaults.

if len(makes) > 1:
log.ERROR("Intel and AMD nodes cannot be used in the same cluster.")
return False

if len(types) > 1:
log.ERROR("Software-only and Appliance nodes cannot be mixed.")
return False

# SX and NX nodes cannot commingle. Test for cluster homogeneity.
if len(sx_nodes) > 0 and len(nx_nodes) > 0:
log.ERROR("Xpress nodes %s are incompatible with %s" % (sx_nodes, nx_nodes))
return False

# Max Node Guardrails.
if FLAGS.enable_max_node_guardrails:
hypervisor_names = set([
node_info.get("hypervisor", None)
for node_info in node_info_list
max_nodes_supported, err_msg = (
if max_nodes_supported and len(node_info_list) > max_nodes_supported:
return False
log.INFO("Cluster max nodes guardrails are disabled")

# SX cluster size check.
if (len(svm_ips) == len(sx_nodes) and len(sx_nodes) >
log.ERROR("Number of Xpress nodes (%s) exceed the limit %s " %
(len(svm_ips), cluster.client.consts.SX_MAX_NODES))
return False

if not FLAGS.experimental_allow_g4_g5_in_same_block:
# G4 and G5 nodes cannot commingle on the same block.
for block_id, node_ip_list in block_to_node_ips_map.items():
g4_nodes = []
g5_nodes = []
for node_ip in node_ip_list:
if node_map[node_ip]["rackable_unit_model"].endswith("-G5"):

if len(g4_nodes) > 0 and len(g5_nodes) > 0:
log.ERROR("G4 nodes %s cannot commingle with G5 %s nodes in the "
"same block: %s" % (g4_nodes, g5_nodes, block_id))
return False

# If there is a NX-1120S-G7 (mini-robo) node in the configuration, the only
# other nodes allowed to be part of the cluster should be [Robo] models
# NX-1120S-G7, NX-1175S-G6, NX-1175S-G7.
if not genesis_utils.mini_robo_compatible_nodes_check(node_map.values(),
return False

# HyperV specific checks:
# 1. Block mixed version cluster creation.
# 2. 5.11 is the last supported AOS version for Hyper-V 2012R2,
# hence blocking cluster create

hyperv_version_list = []
has_hyperv_node = False
for node_info in node_info_list:
# Make sure this picks only HyperV nodes for count.
if (node_info.get("hypervisor") == 'hyperv'):
has_hyperv_node = True
version = node_info.get("hypervisor_version", None)
if version:
version = version.replace("_Standard", "").replace("_Datacenter", "")
log.ERROR("Invalid hypervisor version")

version_count_list = collections.Counter(hyperv_version_list).values() or []
if len(version_count_list) > 1:
err = ("Cannot create mixed version HyperV cluster. Version list : %s" %(
return False

hyperv_re = re.compile(".*2012")
if hyperv_version_list and hyperv_re.match(hyperv_version_list[0]):
err = ("'Windows Server 2012R2' is not supported on this AOS version."
" HyperV version list : %s" % (hyperv_version_list))
return False

# Cluster name cannot have special chars.
if not re.match("^[a-zA-Z0-9._-]*$", FLAGS.cluster_name):
log.ERROR("Cluster name cannot have special characters")
return False

if FLAGS.rack_config_json_path:
The flag rack_config_json_path contains path to the json file, which has the
map of svm_ips to the name of the rack, they belong to. This file has to
contain all the svm_ips that are to be configured a part of this cluster.
Any extra entries in JSON will be ignored.
A typical such json file will look like:-
"" : "Rack A",
"" : "Rack B",
"" : "Rack B",
rack_config = None
with open(FLAGS.rack_config_json_path) as jsonfile:
rack_config = json.load(jsonfile)
except (OSError, IOError) as ee:
log.ERROR(err_str + "Failed to load %s with %s. Please ensure "
"appropriate READ permissions are granted for the file"
% (FLAGS.rack_config_json_path, ee))
return False
except ValueError as ee:
log.ERROR(err_str + "Failed to parse %s as JSON. Error: %s"
% (FLAGS.rack_config_json_path, ee))
return False
for svm_ip in svm_ips:
if svm_ip not in rack_config:
log.ERROR("Complete rack configuration needs to be provided for rack "
"information to be consumed by cluster services. svm_ip %s "
"does not have a rack configuration" % svm_ip)
return False
for svm_ip in rack_config:
if svm_ip not in svm_ips:
del rack_config[svm_ip]
if not genesis_rack_utils.update_rack_config(rack_config):
log.ERROR("Failed to update all nodes, with the rack configuration "
"provided. Please check if all nodes are reachable")
return False

svm_ips_to_rack_map = genesis_rack_utils.get_svm_ips_to_rack_map(svm_ips)

# If rack is not configured on one or more nodes of the cluster, don't check
# rack consistency.
bad_rack_config_svms = []
if svm_ips_to_rack_map:
bad_rack_config_svms = rack_utils.check_rack_mapping_consistency(
svm_ips_to_rack_map, block_to_node_ips_map)

# Denotes the desired domain awareness state of the cluster. All the CDP
# services would read this from zeus and try to drive the cluster towards this
# 'domain' aware state. These domain levels are defined in
# DomainFaultToleranceState.Domain.DomainType
desired_domain_ft_level = None

if ((len(svm_ips) == 1) and
(function == ClusterManager.NDFS_FUNCTION or
function == ClusterManager.ONE_NODE_CLUSTER_FUNCTION)):
log.INFO("Setting domain fault tolerance level to kDisk")
desired_domain_ft_level = DomainFaultToleranceState.Domain.kDisk

if FLAGS.rack_aware:
if FLAGS.block_aware:
log.ERROR("Rack awareness and Block awareness cannot be guaranteed at "
"the same time. Only one option can be selected for creating "
"the cluster")
return False
if FLAGS.redundancy_factor < 2:
log.ERROR("For Rack awareness to be enabled, cluster should be created "
"with redundancy factor >= 2")
return False
# Checking if rack is configured for each node and node distribution is
# valid among the racks to allow rack awareness.
if svm_ips_to_rack_map is None:
log.ERROR("One or more nodes in the cluster do not have rack configured")
return False
if bad_rack_config_svms:
log.ERROR("All nodes on one block should belong to the same rack. Rack "
"awareness could not be enabled.")
return False
if rack_utils.meets_rack_awareness_criteria(svm_ips_to_rack_map)[0]:
log.INFO("Rack awareness basic criteria met")
log.ERROR("Cluster does not support basic criteria for Rack awareness")
return False
desired_domain_ft_level = DomainFaultToleranceState.Domain.kRack
elif FLAGS.block_aware:
if FLAGS.redundancy_factor < 2:
log.ERROR("For Block awareness to be enabled, cluster should be created "
"with redundancy factor >= 2")
return False
# Check for block awareness criteria if only rack awareness is not explicity
# desired.
svm_ips_to_rackable_unit_map = {}
for _, node in node_map.items():
svm_ips_to_rackable_unit_map[node["ip"]] = node["rackable_unit_serial"]
if rack_utils.meets_block_awareness_criteria(svm_ips_to_rackable_unit_map,
log.INFO("Block awareness basic criteria met")
log.ERROR("Cluster does not support basic criteria for Block awareness")
return False
desired_domain_ft_level = DomainFaultToleranceState.Domain.kRackableUnit
if bad_rack_config_svms:
log.WARNING("Rack Configuration is inconsistent for SVMs on one or more"
"blocks. Deleting incorrect configuration")
remove_bad_config = genesis_rack_utils.remove_rack_config(
if not remove_bad_config:
log.ERROR("Could not remove bad rack configuration from "
"auxiliary_config.json for some of svm_ips (%s)"
% bad_rack_config_svms)
return False

num_zks = 1 if len(svm_ips) < num_zk_nodes else num_zk_nodes

# Build the rack to blocks map from svm_ip to rack map.
rack_to_blocks_map = dict()
if svm_ips_to_rack_map and not bad_rack_config_svms:
for svm_ip, rack_id in six.iteritems(svm_ips_to_rack_map):
if rack_id not in rack_to_blocks_map:
rack_to_blocks_map[rack_id] = set()

for rack_id, block_set in six.iteritems(rack_to_blocks_map):
rack_to_blocks_map[rack_id] = list(block_set)

# rack_to_blocks_map and block_to_node_ips_map will be
# modified within the function. If you need to use them below then make a
# copy.
zk_list = genesis_utils.select_nodes_best_effort_rack_aware(
num_zks, rack_to_blocks_map, block_to_node_ips_map)

len(zk_list), num_zks,
"Failed to map %d Zookeeper servers. current zk_list: %s,"
" rack_to_blocks_map: %s," " block_to_node_ips_map: %s" %
(num_zks, zk_list, rack_to_blocks_map, block_to_node_ips_map))

if backplane_cfgd:
zk_list = [cvm_bp_ip_map[node_ip] for node_ip in zk_list]

# Need to spoof a zookeeper node in case of a two node cluster.
if two_node_cluster:

backplane_svm_ips = svm_ips
state_name = node_states.kBaseConfig
# If backplane network is configured, need to apply the firewall rules before
# we setup zeus mapping and set ip_list_for_rpcs to backplane ips.
# Once iptables are applied, genesis RPCs will no longer be available on
# the external interface - eth0.
# TODO ENG-73555 : Close genesis port on management interface - eth0 once
# all the scripts in cluster/bin are ported.
if backplane_cfgd:
log.INFO("Backplane network is configured and will be used")
backplane_svm_ips = cvm_bp_ip_map.values()
state_name = node_states.kBackplaneConfig
if function == ClusterManager.NDFS_FUNCTION:
for svm_ip in svm_ips:
ret = genesis_utils.call_genesis_method(
[svm_ip], NodeManager.apply_iptables_for_state, (state_name,))
if isinstance(ret, RpcError):
log.FATAL("RpcError (%s) for SVM %s" % (str(ret), svm_ip))
ret, err = ret
if not ret:
log.FATAL("Failed to configure iptables on SVM "
"node %s, error: %s" % (svm_ip, err))
log.INFO("iptables configured on SVM %s" % svm_ip)

deadline = time.time() + FLAGS.timeout

# Some clusters may have certificates passed in on creation.
if not maybe_check_and_set_passed_certs():
return False

# ENG-198412: Explicitly set the timeout_secs to 120 for now.
cluster_manager = proxy.import_service("localhost", ClusterManager,

log.INFO("Creating certificates")
ret = cluster_manager.initialize_cluster_auth_certs(svm_ips, cluster_uuid,
function, ssh_blocked=FLAGS.password_lockdown_mode)
if not ret:
log.ERROR("Failed to create the cluster auth certificates")
return None

# Map from zookeeper node ip to the zookeeper id assigned to it.
zk_map = {}
for ii in range(0, len(zk_list)):
zk_map[zk_list[ii]] = ii + 1

for svm_ip in backplane_svm_ips:
node = proxy.import_service(svm_ip, NodeManager)

# Setting the cluster functions field in node manager. This will be used to
# start Zookeeper with real time priority scheduling.
log.INFO("Setting the cluster functions on SVM node %s" % svm_ip)
ret = node.configure_cluster_functions(FLAGS.cluster_function_list)
if isinstance(ret, RpcError):
log.FATAL("RpcError (%s) for SVM %s" % (str(ret), svm_ip))

# We need to store cluster_function in a temporary file until
# cached proto is present on the CVM. The in memory variable in
# NodeManager will be lost if it restarts during cluster create.
# Firewall might fail to initialize in this case as seen in ENG-151844.
log.INFO("Populating cluster functions temp file on SVM node %s" % svm_ip)
ret = node.populate_cluster_function_temp_file(str(cluster_function))
if isinstance(ret, RpcError):
log.FATAL("RpcError (%s) for SVM %s" % (str(ret), svm_ip))
if not ret:
log.FATAL("Failed to populate cluster functions temp file on SVM node %s"
% svm_ip)

log.INFO("Configuring Zeus mapping (%s) on SVM node %s" % (zk_map, svm_ip))
while time.time() < deadline:
ret = node.configured()
if isinstance(ret, RpcError):
elif ret:
log.FATAL("SVM %s is already configured" % svm_ip)

ret = node.setup_zookeeper_certificate(cluster_uuid)
if isinstance(ret, RpcError):
elif not ret:
log.FATAL("SVM %s unable to create Zookeeper certificates" % svm_ip)

ret = node.configure_zookeeper_mapping(zk_map)
if isinstance(ret, RpcError):
elif not ret:
log.FATAL("Failed to configure Zeus mapping on node %s" % svm_ip)

log.INFO("Creating cluster with SVMs: %s" % ",".join(svm_ips))
node_list = [(node_map[ip]["node_uuid"], ip) for ip in svm_ips]

# Lookup /etc/shadow for possible prism password seed.
prism_password = None
if FLAGS.seed_prism_password:
for line in read_file_as_root("/etc/shadow").splitlines():
line = genesis_utils.decode_to_unicode(line)
user, pw, _ = line.split(":", 2)
if (user == "nutanix" and
pw and not pw.startswith(FLAGS.nutanix_default_password_salt)):
prism_password = pw
log.INFO("Will seed prism with password hash %s" % pw)

if FLAGS.container_name:
container_name = FLAGS.container_name
container_name = None

cluster_flags_map = {}
if FLAGS.cluster_flags:
cluster_flags_map = {
cluster_flag : True
for cluster_flag in FLAGS.cluster_flags.split(",")
log.INFO("Will set the cluster flags as: %s" % cluster_flags_map)

while True:
ret = cluster_manager.cluster_init(
FLAGS.cluster_name, node_list, cluster_external_ip,
FLAGS.redundancy_factor, FLAGS.cluster_function_list, prism_password,
cvm_backplane_ip_map=cvm_bp_ip_map, container_name=container_name,
dns_servers=dns_servers, ntp_servers=ntp_servers,
if ret is None:
log.INFO("Zeus is not ready yet, trying again in 5 seconds")
elif not ret:
log.FATAL("Cluster initialization on %s failed with ret: %s" %
(svm_ips[0], ret))

if FLAGS.skip_genesis_gateway_server_stop:
log.INFO("Not stopping genesis gateway server on the CVMs")
for svm_ip in backplane_svm_ips:
node = proxy.import_service(svm_ip, NodeManager)
is_gateway_server_stopped = node.stop_genesis_gateway_server()
if (isinstance(is_gateway_server_stopped, RpcError) or
not is_gateway_server_stopped):
log.WARNING("Failed to stop Genesis Gateway Server")
log.INFO("Stopped genesis gateway server on %s" % svm_ip)

if FLAGS.wait:
log.INFO("Waiting for services to start")
ret = __wait_until_error_or_done(backplane_svm_ips, "start")

if ce_helper.is_ce():
cmd = os.path.join(FLAGS.genesis_bin_dir, "ce_post_cluster_create")
if os.path.exists(cmd):
log.INFO("Running CE cluster post-create script")
args = shlex.split(cmd)
ce = CommandExecutor()
ce.execute(args[0], args, opts="TEMPFILES", detached=True)
# don't wait for exit/result
log.INFO("Cannot find CE cluster post-create script: %s" % cmd)

if backplane_cfgd:
ret_status, ret_value = genesis_utils.get_node_type_to_hypervisor_type_map()
if not ret_status:
error_msg = ("Failed to get base cluster node type information. Error: "
"%s" % ret_value)
return False, error_msg

node_type_hyp_type_map = ret_value
if NodeTypes.kHCI in node_type_hyp_type_map:
hci_hypervisor_type = node_type_hyp_type_map[NodeTypes.kHCI]
hyp_name = genesis_utils.get_hypervisor_enum_name(hci_hypervisor_type)

# FIXME (ENG-422285): Use get_default_cvm_physical_network_hyp_type.
default_cvm_nw = backplane_utils.get_default_host_physical_network_hyp_type(
# Update status in IDF, to be used by PulseHD.
timestamp = time.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S", time.localtime())
param = {
"nw_type": ns_helper.nw_types.kBackplane,
"operation": "enable",
"final_timestamp": timestamp,
hyp_name: {
"cvm_physical_network": default_cvm_nw

status, error = ns_helper.publish_ns_stats_to_idf(param)
if not status:
log.ERROR("Failed to store Network Segmentation stats in IDF. Error: %s"
% error)
log.INFO("Successfully stored Network Segmentation stats in IDF")

if FLAGS.cluster_create_security_opts and security_config:
ret = genesis_utils.call_genesis_method(
if isinstance(ret, RpcError):
log.WARNING("Failed to clean up security keys. RpcError %s" % ret)
if not ret:
log.WARNING("Failed to perform clean up security keys. Please check "
"genesis logs for the clean up failure")

return ret

def __call_genesis_rpc_concurrently(svm_ips, method, args):
call genesis rpc concurrently with given method/args
Returns: list of svm_ips where rpc succeeded
succeeded_svm_ips = []
ret = genesis_utils.call_genesis_rpc_concurrently(svm_ips, method, args)
for svmip, rpc_result in six.iteritems(ret):
if not rpc_result or isinstance(rpc_result, RpcError):
error = ("Failed to run fn=%s args=%s on svm=%s, retval: %s" %
(method, args, svmip, rpc_result))
return succeeded_svm_ips

def __unconfigure_zk_mappings(svm_ips):
This function unconfigures zk mappings on the list of given svm_ips
It also unconfigures services which are not stopped before unconfiguring

Returns: succeeded_svm_ips: list of svm_ips where unconfiguration
of zk_mapping succeeded
# Unconfigure Services that depend on zk mapping before
# clearing zk mapping on all nodes
ret_svm_ips = __call_genesis_rpc_concurrently(svm_ips,
NodeManager.service_unconfigure, (NodeManager.VIP_MONITOR_SERVICE,))
log.INFO("Unconfigured VIP Monitor service on svm_ips: %s" % ret_svm_ips)

ret_svm_ips = __call_genesis_rpc_concurrently(svm_ips,
NodeManager.configure_zookeeper_mapping, ({},))
log.INFO("Unconfigured zk mappings on nodes : %s" % ret_svm_ips)
if len(svm_ips) != len(ret_svm_ips):
log.ERROR("Unconfiguration will be aborted on few nodes of the cluster "
"due to failure in zk mapping RPC failure. Please look above "
"for exact RPC failure on specific node(s)")
return ret_svm_ips

def __unconfigure(svm_ips):
This function distributes responsibility for unconfiguring CO nodes among all
HCI nodes, and writes unconfigure marker WAL on all HCI nodes for node manager
to pick up and unconfigure the nodes.
# Force destroy option has been removed as it has danger of the command
# being accidentally used leading to loss of customer data!
state = genesis_utils.call_genesis_method(svm_ips, ClusterManager.state)
if not state:
log.ERROR("Failed to get the state of the cluster")
return False
if state == "start":
log.ERROR("Cannot destroy a started cluster. "
"Cluster needs to be stopped first.")
return False

cmd_map = {}
proto = genesis_utils.get_cached_zeus_configuration()
for i in range(0, len(svm_ips), 1):
marker_cmd = "touch %s;" % FLAGS.node_unconfigure_marker
# Assign every Compute node at len(svmips) gap, starting from ith index
# to be unconfigured by ith svm.
co_node_ips = ""
for j in range(i, len(proto.compute_node_list), len(svm_ips)):
co_node_ips = (co_node_ips +
(" %s" %
if co_node_ips:
marker_cmd = (marker_cmd +
(' echo "%s" > %s' %
(co_node_ips, FLAGS.co_nodes_unconfigure_marker)))
cmd_map[svm_ips[i]] = marker_cmd

result = True
result_map = genesis_utils.run_command_on_svms(cmd_map)
for ip, (ret, out, err) in six.iteritems(result_map):
if ret == 0:
result = False
if ret == -1:
log.ERROR("Destroy timed out on %s." % ip)
log.ERROR("Destroy failed on %s." % ip)
log.ERROR("ret, out, err:\n%s\n%s\n%s" % (ret, out, err))

if not svm_ips:
log.ERROR("Failed to create marker on all svm ips")
return False

# Unconfigure zk mapping after setting the marker.
svm_ips = __unconfigure_zk_mappings(svm_ips)

if not result:
log.ERROR("Failed to create marker on all svms")
log.FATAL("Unable to completely unconfigure cluster")

if restart_genesis(svm_ips):
return True
log.FATAL("Failed to restart genesis on all svms")

def __reconfig(svm_ips, marker_cmd):
# Force destroy option has been removed as it has danger of the command
# being accidentally used leading to loss of customer data!
state = genesis_utils.call_genesis_method(svm_ips, ClusterManager.state)
if not state:
log.ERROR("Failed to get the state of the cluster")
return False
if state == "start":
log.ERROR("Cannot reconfig a started cluster. "
"Cluster needs to be stopped first.")
return False

cmd_map = dict((ip, marker_cmd) for ip in svm_ips)

result = True
result_map = genesis_utils.run_command_on_svms(cmd_map)
for ip, (ret, out, err) in six.iteritems(result_map):
if ret == 0:
result = False
if ret == -1:
log.ERROR("Reconfig timed out on %s." % ip)
log.ERROR("Reconfig failed on %s." % ip)
log.ERROR("ret, out, err:\n%s\n%s\n%s" % (ret, out, err))

if not result:
log.ERROR("Failed to create marker on all svms")
log.FATAL("Unable to completely reconfigure cluster")

if restart_genesis(svm_ips):
return True

log.FATAL("Failed to restart genesis on all svms")

def __log_action(action):
Logs the msg to system, using /usr/bin/logger.
ssh_client = os.environ.get("SSH_CLIENT")
if ssh_client:
client_ip = ssh_client.split()[0]
msg = "Cluster %s initiated by ssh client IP: %s" % (action, client_ip)
msg = "Cluster %s initiated through console" % action
cmd = "/usr/bin/logger -p -t cluster %s" % msg
ret, out, err = timed_command(cmd)
if ret:
log.DEBUG("Failed to execute cmd: %s, ret: %s, stdout: %s, stderr: %s" %
(cmd, ret, out, err))

def do_unconfig(svm_ips):
zk_session = ZookeeperSession(FLAGS.zookeeper_host_port_list)
genesis_utils.ensure_zk_session(zk_session, new_session=True)

# Disallow cluster destroy for licensed clusters.
license_file = zk_session.stat(FLAGS.license_file_zknode)
if license_file is not None and genesis_utils.valid_license(zk_session):
log.ERROR("We have detected that you are destroying a cluster that is "
"in a licensed state. Please refer to "
" to reclaim the licenses "
"from this cluster before proceeding with `cluster destroy`.")
return False

# Destroying the cluster when disks are password protected will lock the
# disks forever, so deny the destroy operation. Users should disable password
# protection and retry.
passwd_state = genesis_utils.call_genesis_method(
svm_ips, ClusterManager.password_state)
if isinstance(passwd_state, RpcError):
log.ERROR("Genesis RPC failure. Could not contact Genesis to discover if "
"this cluster has configured passwords.")
return False

if passwd_state:
log.ERROR("Cannot destroy the cluster when password protection is active. "
"Please disable password protection and retry.")
return False

if FLAGS.clean_debug_data and not __clean_debug_data(svm_ips):
return False

# Need to pass management ips instead of backplane as backplane ips
# are unconfigured during the destroy process.
ext_ips = genesis_utils.get_svm_ips()
ret = (__unconfigure(svm_ips) and
block_as_long_as_file_exists(FLAGS.node_unconfigure_marker, ext_ips))

# Best effort to remove gflags if flag is given.
if ret and FLAGS.reset_gflags_on_destroy:
log.INFO("Removing all gflag files")
cmd = "find /home/nutanix/config/ -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 " \
"-regex .*gflags.* -exec rm {} +"
cmd_map = dict((ip, cmd) for ip in svm_ips)

return ret

def save_logs(service_glob, svm_ips, dest_dir):
src_glob = os.path.join(FLAGS.nutanix_log_dir, service_glob)
cmd = "/bin/cp %s %s" % (src_glob, dest_dir)
cmd_map = dict((ip, cmd) for ip in svm_ips)
result_map = genesis_utils.run_command_on_svms(cmd_map)
log.INFO("Result of savelog operation %s" % str(result_map))
ret_codes = [x[0] for x in result_map.values()]
for ret_code in ret_codes:
if ret_code != 0:
return False
return True

def save_genesis_hades_logs(svm_ips):
dest_dir = "/home/nutanix/infra-logs/"
cmd = "/bin/mkdir -p %s" % dest_dir
cmd_map = dict((ip, cmd) for ip in svm_ips)
result_map = genesis_utils.run_command_on_svms(cmd_map)
log.INFO("Result of mkdir operation %s" % str(result_map))
ret_codes = [x[0] for x in result_map.values()]
for ret_code in ret_codes:
if ret_code != 0:
return False

service_globs = ("genesis.out*", "hades.out*")
for service_glob in service_globs:
result = save_logs(service_glob, svm_ips, dest_dir)
if not result:
return False
return True

def __clean_debug_data(svm_ips):
Removes all of the logs, binary logs, and core dumps. Returns True on
log.INFO("Saving Hades & genesis logs for debugging")
result = save_genesis_hades_logs(svm_ips)
if not result:
log.INFO("Could not save logs for debugging")
# Delete data logs but leave hades log files since hades persists across
# destroy operations and could be writing to the log file.
# This deletes all files/dirs in ~/data/logs except hades.out*
cmd = r"find %s -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 ! -name 'hades.out*' -exec rm -rf {} + " % (
cmd_map = dict((ip, cmd) for ip in svm_ips)
result_map = genesis_utils.run_command_on_svms(cmd_map)
log.INFO("cmd %s result %s" % (cmd, str(result_map)))

# Clean extra directories.
clean_dir = r"rm -rf {0}; mkdir {0}"
clean_cmd = "; ".join([clean_dir.format(FLAGS.nutanix_binary_log_dir),
cmd_map = dict((ip, clean_cmd) for ip in svm_ips)
result_map = genesis_utils.run_command_on_svms(cmd_map)
log.INFO("Executed cmd %s result %s" % (cmd_map, str(result_map)))

return True

def do_reconfig(svm_ips):
# Do not start a reconfiguration if a zookeeper migration is in progress.
if genesis_utils.is_zknode_present(FLAGS.zookeeper_migration_zknode):
log.ERROR("Cannot start a reconfig as a zookeeper migration is in "
return False

cmd = "cp /etc/hosts %s" % FLAGS.node_reconfigure_marker
return __reconfig(svm_ips, cmd)

def __print_status(status):
Prints the current status of the cluster services.
config_proto = genesis_utils.get_cached_zeus_configuration()
backplane_enabled = (config_proto and
local_vm_type = "CVM"
if is_minerva_vm():
local_vm_type = "NVM"
print("The state of the cluster: %s" % status.get("state", "Unknown"))
print("Lockdown mode: %s" % status.get("lockdown_mode", "Disabled"))
for svm in sorted(status["svms"].keys()):
# If backplane network is enabled `svm` will be the backplane ip of the cvm.
# Try to obtain external ip of cvm and print both.
svm_external_ip = None
if backplane_enabled:
svm_external_ip = zeus_utils.get_ext_ip_from_backplane_ip(svm,
if svm_external_ip:
print("\n\t%s: %s [%s] %s" %\
(local_vm_type, svm_external_ip, svm, status["svms"][svm]["state"]))
print("\n\t%s: %s %s" % (local_vm_type, svm, status["svms"][svm]["state"]))

for details in status["svms"][svm]["services"]:
state = "DOWN"
if details["pids"]:
if details["last_error"]:
state = "ERROR"
state = "UP"
print("\t\t%20s %4s\t%s\t%s" % (details["service"], state,
details["pids"] or [],
details["last_error"] or ""))

def __wait_until_error_or_done(svm_ips, op):
poll_again = True
down_nodes_retry_map = {}
while poll_again:
status = {}
ret_val = do_status(svm_ips, result_dict=status)
if not ret_val:
log.WARNING("Could not reach a ClusterManager, retrying...")

poll_again = status.get("retry", False)
svm_ips = status["svms"].keys()
for svm in sorted(svm_ips):
if status["svms"][svm]["state"] == "Down":
down_nodes_retry_map[svm] = (
1 + down_nodes_retry_map.get(svm, 0))
if down_nodes_retry_map[svm] < 10:
poll_again = True
down_nodes_retry_map[svm] = 0
if (op == "start" and NodeManager.TWO_NODE_CLUSTER_SEPARATED_NODE in
print ("Waiting on %s: SEPARATED NODE, not starting services" % svm)
print ("Waiting on %s (%s) to %s: " %
(svm, status["svms"][svm]["state"], op)),
for details in status["svms"][svm]["services"]:
if details["last_error"]:
return False
if (op == "start" and not details["pids"] or
op == "stop" and details["pids"]):
print(details["service"], end=' '),

return True

def do_start(svm_ips):
Starts the cluster. Returns True on success.

svm_ips: One of more IP addresses of SVMs in the cluster.
if not genesis_utils.call_genesis_method(svm_ips, ClusterManager.start):
log.ERROR("Failed to execute a cluster start")
return False

# If wait is True loop until status shows all processes are up.
ret = True
if FLAGS.wait:
ret = __wait_until_error_or_done(svm_ips, "start")

if not ret:
return False
return True

def do_stop(svm_ips):
Stops the cluster. Returns True on success.

svm_ips: One of more IP addresses of SVMs in the cluster.
config = Configuration().initialize()
ret, vm_list = genesis_utils.get_powered_on_uvms_on_host(config.config_proto())
if ret and len(vm_list) > 0:
log.ERROR("Found %s Acropolis VMs still running on hosts in the "
"cluster" % len(vm_list))
return False

if not genesis_utils.call_genesis_method(svm_ips, ClusterManager.stop):
log.ERROR("Failed to execute cluster stop")
return False

# Loop until status shows all processes are down.
ret = True
if FLAGS.wait:
ret = __wait_until_error_or_done(svm_ips, "stop")

log.INFO("Cluster has been stopped via 'cluster stop' command, "
"hence stopping all services.")
return ret

def node_status(svm_ip):
Find node status by doing RPC to node with given address.
log.DEBUG("Finding node status for %s" % svm_ip)
status = genesis_utils.call_genesis_method(
valid=lambda x: True,
if isinstance(status, RpcError):
status = {"service_status": {"state": "Down", "services": []}}
log.DEBUG("Got response for node status from %s" % svm_ip)
return status

def do_status(svm_ips, result_dict=None):
Returns status of the services in the cluster.
svm_ips: One of more IP addresses of SVMs in the cluster.
result_dict (dict): If dictionary is passed, then status is not printed.
Instead they are populated in the dictionary.
workers = len(svm_ips)
num_retries = 12
with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=workers) as executor:
svm_res = {}
for svm_ip in svm_ips:
svm_res[executor.submit(node_status, svm_ip)] = svm_ip

pending_svms = []
for _ in range(num_retries):
result = {}
result["svms"] = {}
result["retry"] = False
done_list, pending_list = concurrent.futures.wait(svm_res, timeout=15)
got_result = False
for future in done_list:
svm_ip = svm_res[future]
# If status of svm has already printed, ignore them in next iteration.
if pending_svms and svm_ip not in pending_svms:

log.DEBUG("Got result for %s" % svm_ip)
node_result = future.result()
if node_result.get("state") is not None:
result["state"] = node_result["state"]
if node_result.get("lockdown_mode") is not None:
result["lockdown_mode"] = node_result["lockdown_mode"]
if node_result.get("service_status") is not None:
result["svms"][svm_ip] = node_result["service_status"]
if node_result.get("retry") is not None:
result["retry"] = (result["retry"] | node_result["retry"])

got_result = True

if got_result:
# If result dict is passed as dictionary, all the services list is
# saved there.
if result_dict is not None:

if pending_list:
pending_svms = [svm_res[future] for future in pending_list]
log.INFO("Waiting for response from %s" % ", ".join(pending_svms))
log.DEBUG("All nodes have responded")
return True
return False

def do_restart_genesis(svm_ips):
return restart_genesis(svm_ips)

def __install_and_upgrade(svm_ips, manual_upgrade):
Upgrade packages on SVM.
Following is sequence of things:
1) Preupgrade checks are performed if ignore_preupgrade_tests flag is not set.
2) If Verification file is provided with -v option then preupgrade checks
test version compatibility etc.
3) Upgrade method is set to manual or automatic based on manual_upgrade flag.
4) Genesis is installed if force_install_genesis option is set.
5) Initiates rolling upgrade if skip_upgrade is not set.
Status can be viewed using progress monitor in UI or upgrade_status command.
Returns True on success, False otherwise.
if not FLAGS.installer_dir_path:
log.FATAL("Please provide an installer directory with the -i flag")
if not os.path.isdir(FLAGS.installer_dir_path):
log.FATAL("Installer directory %s does not exist" %

if not FLAGS.no_verification and not FLAGS.verification_file:
log.FATAL("Please provide path for verification file with -v flag. "
"Use -n/--no_verification option if you want to skip upgrade "
"compatibility checks.")

if not FLAGS.no_verification and not os.path.exists(FLAGS.verification_file):
log.FATAL("Verification file %s does not exist." % FLAGS.verification_file)

nutanix_manifest = upgrade_helper.get_nutanix_manifest(
if not nutanix_manifest:
log.FATAL("Failed to read manifest file in %s" % FLAGS.installer_dir_path)

proto = genesis_utils.get_cached_zeus_configuration()
if (proto and proto.cluster_functions & ConfigurationProto.kWitnessVM and
print("After upgrade is complete, credentials for this cluster will "
"be changed to default. Please refer upgrade document for more "

# Check if cluster script being used is from installer directory.
cluster_script_path = os.path.abspath(__file__)
installer_dir_path = os.path.abspath(FLAGS.installer_dir_path)
if (os.path.commonprefix([cluster_script_path, installer_dir_path]) !=
log.ERROR("Please run cluster script present in %s/bin" %
return False

if FLAGS.ncc_precheck_args:
ncc_precheck_args = FLAGS.ncc_precheck_args
ncc_precheck_args = None

# Perform upgrade tasks based on flags specified.
if not cluster_upgrade.perform_cluster_upgrade(FLAGS.installer_dir_path,
log.ERROR("Failed to perform cluster upgrade")
return False

if FLAGS.remove_installer_dir and not FLAGS.skip_upgrade:
current_dir = os.getcwd()
full_installer_path = os.path.abspath(
if (os.path.islink(full_installer_path)):
# The installer directory had been moved as part of upgrade.
# Only a symlink might have remained. Removing that here.
log.INFO("Removing %s from CVM" % full_installer_path)

if genesis_utils.is_subdir(child=current_dir, parent=full_installer_path):
log.INFO("CWD is stale, please change CWD "
"before executing any further commands on this shell.")
return True

def do_convert_cluster():
Perform cluster conversion, by invoking RPC to cluster manager.
Expected flag is target_hypervisor string.
valid_host_list = genesis_utils.call_genesis_method(
[""], ClusterConversion.valid_hypervisors_for_conversion,
if isinstance(valid_host_list, RpcError) or not valid_host_list:
log.FATAL("Error doing RPC to local svm ip, Error: %s" % valid_host_list)

if FLAGS.target_hypervisor not in valid_host_list:
log.ERROR("Given target hypervisor %s is not valid, valid types %s" % (
FLAGS.target_hypervisor, valid_host_list))
return False

svm_ids = []
if FLAGS.svm_ips:
proto = genesis_utils.get_cached_zeus_configuration()
svm_ips = FLAGS.svm_ips.split(",")
svm_ids = [genesis_utils.get_svm_id_from_svm_ip(proto, x) for x in svm_ips]
svm_ids = [str(x) for x in svm_ids if x]
if len(svm_ids) != len(svm_ips):
log.ERROR("All the service vm ips cannot be mapped to service vm ids, "
"svm_ips %r, svm_ids %r" % (svm_ips, svm_ids))
return False

if FLAGS.vcenter_json_file:
# If Vcenter params are passed as json file, read from it.
with open(FLAGS.vcenter_json_file) as fd:
vcenter_details = json.load(fd)
except IOError as ee:
log.FATAL("IO Exception seen during reading %s, err %s" %
(FLAGS.vcenter_json_file, ee))
ip, user, password = prompt_mgmt_server_details(
vcenter_details = {"host": ip, "username": user, "password": password}

hyp_name = FLAGS.target_hypervisor
ret = genesis_utils.call_genesis_method(
[""], ClusterConversion.validate_cluster_conversion,
(hyp_name, vcenter_details, svm_ids,),

ret, warnings, errors = conversion_utils.check_convert_cluster_status(
"validate_cluster_conversion", deadline=-1)
log.CHECK(ret is not None)
if ret == Task.kFailed:
log.ERROR("Validate cluster conversion failed:\nWARNINGS:\n%s\n"
"ERRORS:\n%s" % ("\n".join(warnings), "\n".join(errors)))
return False
log.INFO("Validate cluster conversion succeeded, warnings %s" % warnings)

ret = genesis_utils.call_genesis_method(
[""], ClusterConversion.start_cluster_conversion,
(hyp_name, FLAGS.ignore_vm_conversion_warnings,), rpc_timeout_secs=-1)
if isinstance(ret, RpcError):
log.FATAL("Rpc to local genesis failed %s" % ret)
ret, warnings, errors = conversion_utils.check_convert_cluster_status(
"start_cluster_conversion", deadline=-1)
log.CHECK(ret is not None)
if ret == Task.kFailed:
log.ERROR("Start cluster conversion failed:\nWARNINGS:\n%s\n"
"ERRORS:\n%s" % ("\n".join(warnings), "\n".join(errors)))
return False
log.INFO("Cluster conversion started, warnings %s" % warnings)
return ret

def do_host_upgrade():
# Set the target host type to be current node host type.
target_hypvsr_type = host_upgrade_common.get_host_type()
target_hypvsr_name = host_upgrade_common.get_hypervisor_name_from_type(

# Check if bundle path exists.
bundle_path = os.path.realpath(FLAGS.bundle)
if not os.path.exists(bundle_path):
log.ERROR("Bundle not found. Please ensure that %s location is correct"
% bundle_path)
return False

if genesis_utils.is_mixed_hypervisor_cluster():
if not FLAGS.hypervisor:
prompt = ("Cluster has mixed hypervisor nodes. You can provide the "
"--hypervisor flag to specify the hypervisor to upgrade. "
"Since, the flag is not provided, hosts with hypervisor of"
"current node's hypervisor type: %s will be upgraded. Do you "
"want to proceed? (Y/[N]):" %
while True:
confirmation = input(prompt)
if not confirmation or confirmation.upper() in ["N", "NO"]:
# Default value is no.
log.INFO("Upgrade request cancelled by user")
return False
if confirmation.upper() in ["Y", "YES"]:
# If we reach here the input is invalid.
print("Please enter a valid input")
# Convert hypservisor string to enum.
target_hypvsr_type = host_upgrade_common.get_hypervisor_type_from_name(
if target_hypvsr_type is None:
log.ERROR("Please provide a valid hypervisor type. Provided: %s, "
"Allowed: %s" % (FLAGS.hypervisor, "esx, kvm or hyperv"))
return False
target_hypvsr_name = FLAGS.hypervisor

if target_hypvsr_name == "esx":
# In case of Esx, we require details of management entity like
# Vcenter for HA/DRS.
if not FLAGS.vcenter_not_required:

if target_hypvsr_name == "hyperv":

# Check for CO nodes.
if target_hypvsr_name == "kvm":
config_proto = genesis_utils.get_cached_zeus_configuration()
if not config_proto:
log.ERROR("Zeus configuration proto not found. "
"Cannot proceed with Hypervisor upgrade")
return False

if genesis_utils.are_co_nodes_present(config_proto):
log.ERROR("CO nodes are present in the cluster. Cannot "
"proceed with oneclick Hypervisor upgrade. Please "
"use LCM (Life Cycle Manager) for hypervisor "
return False

log.INFO("Performing Host upgrade with params: version %s bundle %s "
"chksum %s preupgrade %s manual upgrade %s hypervisor %s"
% (FLAGS.version, bundle_path, FLAGS.md5sum,
not FLAGS.ignore_preupgrade_tests, FLAGS.manual_upgrade,

svm_id = genesis_utils.get_svm_id()
ret = host_upgrade_helper.translate_upgrade_info_to_params(
bundle_path, FLAGS.version, FLAGS.md5sum, svm_id,
not FLAGS.ignore_preupgrade_tests, FLAGS.manual_upgrade,
FLAGS.skip_upgrade, target_hypvsr_type)
log.DEBUG("Host upgrade params commit status: %s" % ret)
return ret

def do_foundation_upgrade(svm_ips):
Upgrade foundation.
Input : Foundation tar.gz file (-i flag)
# Upload foundation pacakge on cluster.
filepath = FLAGS.installer_dir_path
if not filepath:
log.ERROR("Foundation upgrade needs package path, use -i and provide "
"package path")
return False

if not os.path.isabs(filepath):
filepath = os.path.abspath(filepath)

if not foundation_upgrade_helper.update_package_zk(filepath):
log.ERROR("Failed to upload package %s" % filepath)
return False

md5sum = genesis_utils.calculate_md5sum(filepath)
if not md5sum:
log.ERROR("Failed to calculate md5sum of %s" % filepath)
return False

# Trigger upgrade.
ret = genesis_utils.call_genesis_method(svm_ips,
if isinstance(ret, RpcError):
log.ERROR("Failed to start foundation upgrade on cluster")
return False
return True

def rf1_vms_check(svm_ips):
Check if there are any running RF1 VMs in the SVMs which will get rebooted by
the system, and ask for user approval to proceed upgrade.

svm_ips(string): svm ips.
(boolean): True if no RF1 VMs or user approves the upgrade;
False if there is running RF1 VMs and user input not to proceed
proto = genesis_utils.get_cached_zeus_configuration()
svm_ids = [
genesis_utils.get_svm_id_from_svm_ip(proto, svm_ip)
for svm_ip in svm_ips
rf1_ctrs = get_rf1_containers(svm_ids, proto)
if not rf1_ctrs:
return True

zks = genesis_utils.get_zk_session()

if not zks:
log.ERROR("Not able to get zookeeper session")
return False

if zks.get(FLAGS.cluster_state_znode) == "stop":
log.INFO("Cluster is stopped. No need to check RF1 VMs status")
return True

status, rf1_vms = get_rf1_vms(svm_ids, zks, proto, include_vm_name=True)

prompt = None
if len(rf1_vms) > 0:
# rf1_vms is a list of tuple of (<VM UUID>, <VM name>)
rf1_vm_names_str = ", ".join(vm[1] for vm in rf1_vms)

prompt = ("VM(s) with Disk(s) on RF1 containers will be shut down and "
"restarted when the CVMs are being rebooted during upgrade. "
"List of the RF1 VMs: %s.\nPlease confirm if you want to "
"proceed the upgrade? ([Y]/N): " % rf1_vm_names_str)
elif status != 0:
rf1_ctr_names = ", ".join(ctr.container_name for ctr in rf1_ctrs)
prompt = ("Failed to verify presence of RF1 VMs running in the cluster. "
"Please check if there are any running VMs on RF1 containers %s."
"Any running RF1 VMs will be automatically shut down and "
"restarted by the system when the CVMs are being rebooted during "
"upgrade.\nPlease confirm if you want to proceed the upgrade? "
"([Y]/N): " % rf1_ctr_names)

while prompt:
confirmation = input(prompt)
if not confirmation or confirmation.upper() in ["N", "NO"]:
# Default value is no.
log.INFO("Upgrade request cancelled by user")
return False
if confirmation.upper() in ["Y", "YES"]:
return True
# If we reach here the input is invalid.
print("Please enter a valid input")

# status = 0 and empty rf1_vms
return True

def do_upgrade(svm_ips):
# Check installer_dir_path, if given, to ensure correct architecture.
if FLAGS.installer_dir_path:
"Build architecture does not match system architecture.")
if not FLAGS.skip_rf1_vms_check and not rf1_vms_check(svm_ips):
log.ERROR("RF1 VMs check failed")
return False
return __install_and_upgrade(svm_ips, manual_upgrade=FLAGS.manual_upgrade)

def do_lite_upgrade(svm_ips):
"""Lite Upgrade entry point.

Note: all commands are passed svm ips. Lite upgrade will not use them, so we
ignore from the beginning

1. Basic validation that we are running for correct (new) bits.
2. Trigger lite upgrade in cluster_upgrade module
3. If triggered successfully, clean up unused directories.

Status can be viewed using progress monitor in UI or upgrade_status command.

True on success, False otherwise.
# Ensure there is an installer dir and we are running from it
if not FLAGS.installer_dir_path:
log.ERROR("Please provide an installer directory with the -i flag")
return False
if not os.path.isdir(FLAGS.installer_dir_path):
log.ERROR("Installer directory %s does not exist" %
return False
cluster_script_path = os.path.abspath(__file__)
installer_dir_path = os.path.abspath(FLAGS.installer_dir_path)
if (os.path.commonprefix([cluster_script_path, installer_dir_path]) !=
log.ERROR("Please run cluster script present in %s/bin" %
return False

if not FLAGS.skip_rf1_vms_check and not rf1_vms_check(svm_ips):
log.ERROR("RF1 VMs check failed")
return False

# Log that users will have to reset password.
proto = genesis_utils.get_cached_zeus_configuration()
if (proto and proto.cluster_functions & ConfigurationProto.kWitnessVM and
print("After upgrade is complete, credentials for this cluster will "
"be changed to default. Please refer upgrade document for more "

# Perform upgrade tasks based on flags specified.
if not cluster_upgrade.perform_lite_upgrade(FLAGS.installer_dir_path,
log.ERROR("Failed to perform lite upgrade.")
return False

# Cleanup install directory on successful start.
if FLAGS.remove_installer_dir and not FLAGS.skip_upgrade:
current_dir = os.getcwd()
full_installer_path = os.path.abspath(
log.INFO("Removing installer directory '%s' from CVM" % full_installer_path)
if genesis_utils.is_subdir(child=current_dir, parent=full_installer_path):
log.INFO("CWD is stale, please change CWD "
"before executing any further commands on this shell.")
return True

def do_pass_shutdown_token(svm_ips, node_ip):
ret = genesis_utils.call_genesis_method(svm_ips, ClusterManager.svm_ips)
if isinstance(ret, RpcError):
log.FATAL("Failed to get IPs of nodes in cluster")
if not ret:
log.FATAL("Cluster is not configured")
if node_ip not in ret:
log.FATAL("Given IP is not part of cluster")

workflow = "nos_upgrade"
if FLAGS.host_upgrade:
workflow = "host_upgrade"
log.INFO("Passing shutdown token to node with ip %s for %s" % (node_ip,

if not genesis_utils.call_genesis_method(
svm_ips, ClusterManager.set_shutdown_token, (node_ip, workflow)):
log.ERROR("Failed to pass shutdown token to node %s" % node_ip)
return False
return True

def get_disable_upgrade_marker_file_name():
Returns disable upgrade file name as per context.
if FLAGS.foundation_upgrade:
return FLAGS.foundation_disable_auto_upgrade_marker
return FLAGS.node_disable_auto_upgrade_marker

def do_disable_auto_install(svm_ips):
# Write marker need to tell Genesis not to automatically
# revert back to old version.

if FLAGS.host_upgrade:
ret = True
svm_ids = genesis_utils.get_svm_ids()
for id in svm_ids:
if not host_upgrade_helper.disable_host_upgrade_on_node(id):
log.ERROR("Unable to create disable marker on %s" % id)
ret = False
return ret

filename = get_disable_upgrade_marker_file_name()

cmd_map = dict((ip, "touch %s" % filename) for ip in svm_ips)

for ip, (ret, out, err) in (
if ret != 0:
log.FATAL("Could not create %s on SVM %s." %
(FLAGS.node_disable_auto_upgrade_marker, ip))
return True

def do_enable_auto_install(svm_ips):
# Write marker need to tell Genesis not to automatically
# revert back to old version.
if FLAGS.host_upgrade:
ret = True
svm_ids = genesis_utils.get_svm_ids()
for id in svm_ids:
if not host_upgrade_helper.enable_host_upgrade_on_node(id):
log.ERROR("Unable to create disable marker on %s" % id)
ret = False
return ret

filename = get_disable_upgrade_marker_file_name()

cmd_map = dict((ip, "rm -f %s" % filename) for ip in svm_ips)
for ip, (ret, out, err) in (
if ret != 0:
log.FATAL("Could not remove %s on SVM %s." %
(FLAGS.node_disable_auto_upgrade_marker, ip))
return True

def do_enable_rate_limit_iops(svm_ips):
Enable rate limit on IO ops.
return rate_limit_iops(svm_ips[0], True)

def do_disable_rate_limit_iops(svm_ips):
Disable rate limit on IO ops.
return rate_limit_iops(svm_ips[0], False)

def rate_limit_iops(ip, state):
Function to enable/disable rate limit.
cluster_manager = proxy.import_service(ip, ClusterManager,
ret = cluster_manager.rate_limit_iops(state=state)
if isinstance(ret, RpcError) or not ret:
log.FATAL("Rate limit disable failed, error: %s" % str(ret))
return True

def compute_zk_fault_tolerance(zknodelist):
Based on the current placement of Zookeeper servers on racks,
computes the maximum number of rack failures the cluster can tolerate.
ru_to_zk_instances_map = dict()
num_zk_instances_total = len(zknodelist)
max_fault_tolerance_rack = 0
for node in zknodelist:
if node.HasField("rackable_unit_id"):
ru_to_zk_instances_map[node.rackable_unit_id] = (
ru_to_zk_instances_map.get(node.rackable_unit_id, 0) + 1)

# Sort the zk instances per rackable unit in non increasing order.
num_zk_instances_per_ru_list = ru_to_zk_instances_map.values()

# Quorum requirement for Zookeeper is always n/2 + 1, where n is the
# number of Zookeeper instances running on the cluster.
min_zk_instances_for_quorum = (num_zk_instances_total / 2) + 1

num_zk_failures = 0
for num_zk_instances_per_ru in num_zk_instances_per_ru_list:
num_zk_failures += num_zk_instances_per_ru
if (num_zk_instances_total - num_zk_failures <
max_fault_tolerance_rack += 1

return max_fault_tolerance_rack

def determine_migration_target(ru_to_zk_instances_map, ru_to_non_zk_nodes):
This method determines the target node where the zookeeper server can be
migrated to without compromising block fault tolerance of cluster.
new_zk_node = None
# Sort ru_to_zk_instances_map to get a list of tuples
# (rack,num_zk_instances_on_the_rack). Then iterate the list to find
# the ideal node which can be used as a migration target.
sorted_ru_zk_instances_list = sorted(six.iteritems(ru_to_zk_instances_map),
key=lambda key_value: key_value[1])
for i in range(0, len(sorted_ru_zk_instances_list)):
min_rack_zk_instances_tuple = sorted_ru_zk_instances_list[i]
next_rack_with_min_zk_instances = min_rack_zk_instances_tuple[0]

# Now pick up a node from the rack which contains no zk instances.
if next_rack_with_min_zk_instances in ru_to_non_zk_nodes.keys():
non_zk_node_list = ru_to_non_zk_nodes[next_rack_with_min_zk_instances]
# Pick the first node which does not have any zk instance.
new_zk_node = non_zk_node_list[0]

return new_zk_node

def do_migrate_zookeeper(svm_ips):
log.ERROR("Action not supported. Zookeeper only supports auto migration.")
return False

def do_remove_all_public_keys(svm_ips):
Removes all external ssh keys effectively locks down cluster.
Returns True on success, False otherwise.
result = False
external_ssh_keyid_list = genesis_utils.call_genesis_method(
svm_ips, ClusterManager.get_external_ssh_keyid_list)
if external_ssh_keyid_list is None:
log.ERROR("Failed to get the list of external ssh keys")
return False
result = genesis_utils.call_genesis_method(
svm_ips, ClusterManager.remove_external_ssh_keys,
if not result:
log.ERROR("Failed to remove all ssh keys")
return False
log.INFO("Successfully removed all ssh keys")
return True

def do_remove_public_key(svm_ips):
Removes an external ssh key.
Returns True on success, False otherwise.
result = False
key_list = []
if not FLAGS.key_name:
log.ERROR("Please provide a valid key name")
return False

result = genesis_utils.call_genesis_method(
svm_ips, ClusterManager.remove_external_ssh_keys, (key_list,))
if not result:
log.ERROR("Failed to remove ssh key %s" % FLAGS.key_name)
return False
log.INFO("Successfully removed ssh key %s" % FLAGS.key_name)
return True

def do_upgrade_node(svm_ips):
Upgrade node with ip=FLAGS.upgrade_node_ip to cluster's current version.
if not FLAGS.upgrade_node_ip:
log.ERROR("Please specify node's ip using --upgrade_node_ip/-u option")
return False

if LINK_LOCAL_RE.match(FLAGS.upgrade_node_ip):
node_ip = FLAGS.upgrade_node_ip + "%eth0"
elif IPv4Config.is_valid_address(FLAGS.upgrade_node_ip):
node_ip = FLAGS.upgrade_node_ip
log.ERROR("Invalid IP address provided")

ret = genesis_utils.call_genesis_method(
[FLAGS.upgrade_node_ip], NodeManager.configured)
if isinstance(ret, RpcError):
log.FATAL("Could not reach IP: %s" % FLAGS.upgrade_node_ip)
if ret:
log.FATAL("Node with ip=%s is already part of cluster." %

ssh_key = FLAGS.nutanix_default_ssh_key

ssh_client = SSHClient(node_ip, FLAGS.svm_login, private_key=ssh_key)
if not ssh_client:
log.ERROR("Failed to set up ssh connection with %s" % node_ip)
return False

result = genesis_utils.call_genesis_method(
svm_ips, ClusterManager.software_versions)

if not result or isinstance(result, RpcError):
log.ERROR("Failed to get cluster software version")
return False

nutanix_release_version = result["nutanix_release_version"]

ret, out, err = ssh_client.execute("cat %s" % FLAGS.release_version_path)
if ret != 0:
log.ERROR("Failed to get software version from node %s with %s."
% (node_ip, ret))
return False

if out.decode("utf-8", "ignore").strip() == nutanix_release_version:
log.INFO("Node has same software version as that of cluster,"
" skipping upgrade ..")
return True

if not new_node_upgrade.transfer_package_to_node(ssh_client,
log.ERROR("Failed to transfer package to %s" % node_ip)
return False

if not new_node_upgrade.install_genesis_on_standalone_node(node_ip,
log.ERROR("Failed to install new genesis to %s" % node_ip)
return False

if not new_node_upgrade.install_package_on_node(ssh_key,
log.ERROR("Failed to install package on %s" % node_ip)
return False

if not new_node_upgrade.finish_install_package_on_node(
ssh_client, nutanix_release_version, node_ip):
log.ERROR("Failed to finish install package on %s" % node_ip)
return False

if not new_node_upgrade.reboot_node(ssh_client, node_ip):
log.FATAL("Failed to reboot node %s" % node_ip)
log.INFO("Node %s has been upgraded to %s" %
(node_ip, nutanix_release_version))
return True

def confirm_md5sum(bundle_path):
Confirm from user that md5sum provided for bundle is picked from VMware site.
bundle_path : Path of the bundle.
ret = genesis_utils.call_genesis_method([""],
if isinstance(ret, RpcError):
log.FATAL("Could not reach local svm ip, Error: %s" % ret)

prompt_str = """
Upgrading Cluster {name} : VMware Host Hypervisor Upgrade
Upgrade Bundle: {bundle}
User Supplied md5sum: {checksum}

Note: This md5sum should come from VMware's download page and not be user
generated. Using user generated md5sum of the upgrade file after
downloading the upgrade file may introduce a corrupted file.

Press Y to acknowledge this is a VMware supplied md5sum: """.format(
name=ret, bundle=bundle_path, checksum=FLAGS.md5sum)
confirmation = input(prompt_str)
if not confirmation or confirmation.upper() not in ["Y", "YES"]:
log.INFO("Not continuing with hypervisor upgrade")

def get_backplane_svm_ips():
Get list of cluster backplane CVM IPs from zookeeper. If that fails, read
from cached zeus config in genesis.
host_port_list = genesis_utils.get_zk_host_port_list()
if not host_port_list:
return None
config_proto = None
config = Configuration().initialize(host_port_list)
if config:
config_proto = config.config_proto()
return genesis_utils.get_svm_ips(config_proto=config_proto, backplane=True)

def prompt_mgmt_server_details(host_type=None):
Prompt for details of managemenet server like Vcenter and return them.
def prompt_mgmt_server():
Prompt for mgmt server details.
prompt = "Please enter Vcenter details:\nIP address of Vcenter: "
ip = input(prompt)
prompt = "Username: "
user = input(prompt)
password = getpass.getpass()
return (ip, user, password)

mgmt_json = host_upgrade_common.get_zk_host_management_server(
if mgmt_json:
prompt = ("Vcenter details for ip %s exists, Reuse it? ([Y]/N): " %
while True:
confirm = input(prompt)
if not confirm or confirm.lower() in ["y", "yes"]:
log.DEBUG("Reuse existing vcenter details")
return mgmt_json["ip"], mgmt_json["user"], mgmt_json["password"]
elif confirm.lower() in ["n", "no"]:
log.INFO("Ask for for management server details")
ip, user, password = prompt_mgmt_server()
ip, user, password = prompt_mgmt_server()
return ip, user, password

def set_mgmt_server_details(host_type=None):
In case of host upgrade, management server details needs to
be provided. Prompt for details of management server and save details in
ip, user, password = prompt_mgmt_server_details(host_type=host_type)
host_upgrade_helper.set_zk_host_management_server(ip, user, password,
return True

def set_post_upgrade_params():
For hyperv-host upgrade, domain credentials and sku are needed.
This function sets flags for username, password and sku.
# Checking domain username format.
username = FLAGS.domain_username.split("\\")
if len(username) == 1:
log.ERROR("Please check domain username format")
return False

if not host_upgrade_helper.set_zk_host_post_upgrade_params(
FLAGS.domain_username, FLAGS.domain_password,
FLAGS.hyperv_sku, False, FLAGS.md5sum):
log.ERROR("Failed to set HyperV post upgrade parameters")
return False

def do_set_two_node_leader():
Manually set the current node as the leader node in a two node cluster.
ret = genesis_utils.call_genesis_method(["localhost"],
if isinstance(ret, RpcError):
log.FATAL("Could not reach local ClusterManager, Error: %s" % ret)
return False
if not ret:
log.INFO("Failed to select this node as leader. Try again later. "
"Please look into genesis service log file for details ")
return False
log.INFO("This node is now the leader")
return True

def do_set_rack_aware(svm_ips):
return genesis_utils.call_genesis_method(
svm_ips, NodeManager.set_cluster_desired_domain_fault_tolerance,

def add_cluster_create_access_key(svm_ips):
Method to add cluster create access key to all `svm_ips` in case the CVM's
are unconfigured. Cluster create access key is required to allow access over
ssh via key in scenarios where password might be disabled at the time of
cluster create. RDM and Foundation require this to allow uniterrupted access
to the nodes of the cluster to be worked upon.
svm_ips ([str]): List of CVM ips on to which the key needs to be added
True (bool): In case of success
if not FLAGS.cluster_create_access_key:
log.FATAL("Cluster create access key is a required input and is not "

ret_svm_ips = __call_genesis_rpc_concurrently(
svm_ips, NodeManager.add_key_to_authorized_keys_on_unconfigured_nodes,
(FLAGS.cluster_create_access_key, ))

log.INFO("Successfully updated cluster create access key on nodes: %s" %
success_ips = set(ret_svm_ips)
failure_ips = [ip for ip in svm_ips if ip not in success_ips]
if failure_ips:
log.FATAL("Failed to add cluster create access key on nodes %s. Please "
"look above for exact RPC failure on specific node(s)" % failure_ips)
return True

# Only create, ipconfig require external svm ips.
# upgrade_node does not require a svm ip belonging to current cluster.
# All the rest of commands can work over backplane svm ips.
# When adding a new command to this map, make sure it works in
# backplane network on a segmented mode.
commands = {
'create': do_config,
'destroy': do_unconfig,
'reconfig': do_reconfig,
'migrate_zeus': do_migrate_zookeeper,
'start': do_start,
'stop': do_stop,
'status': do_status,
'restart_genesis': do_restart_genesis,
'upgrade': do_upgrade,
'lite_upgrade': do_lite_upgrade,
'pass_shutdown_token': do_pass_shutdown_token,
'disable_auto_install': do_disable_auto_install,
'enable_auto_install': do_enable_auto_install,
'ipconfig': do_ipconfig,
'remove_public_key': do_remove_public_key,
'remove_all_public_keys': do_remove_all_public_keys,
'upgrade_node': do_upgrade_node,
'host_upgrade': do_host_upgrade,
'convert_cluster': do_convert_cluster,
'foundation_upgrade': do_foundation_upgrade,
'set_two_node_cluster_leader': do_set_two_node_leader,
'enable_rate_limit_iops': do_enable_rate_limit_iops,
'disable_rate_limit_iops': do_disable_rate_limit_iops,
'set_rack_aware': do_set_rack_aware,
'add_cluster_create_access_key': add_cluster_create_access_key

def main(args, commands):
args = FLAGS(sys.argv)
except gflags.FlagsError as e:
sys.stderr.write("%s\n" % str(e))
FLAGS([sys.argv[0], "--helpshort"])

if len(args) < 2 or args[1] not in commands:
FLAGS([sys.argv[0], "--helpshort"])

if not FLAGS.enable_lite_upgrade:
commands.pop("lite_upgrade", None)

# If we are doing any operations where we need to SSH, then we need to make
# sure that the SSH private key exists.
ssh_key = get_default_ssh_key()

if (args[1] in ["destroy", "reconfig", "restart_genesis"] and
not os.path.exists(ssh_key)):
if ssh_key:
log.FATAL("SSH private key %s does not exist, please check the path to "
"the SSH private key and retry." % ssh_key)
log.FATAL("Operation %s requires an SSH private key, please specify a "
"key with the -k option" % args[1])

if FLAGS.svm_ips and FLAGS.config:
log.FATAL("Do not specify both -s/--svm_ips and -c/--config options")

if FLAGS.svm_ips and FLAGS.ip_specification_json:
log.FATAL("Do not specify both -s/--svm_ips and "
"-j/--ip_specification_json option")

if not FLAGS.svm_ips:
svm_ips = ["localhost"]
svm_ips = FLAGS.svm_ips.split(",")
# Check if there are any invalid IPv4 addresses in the SVM IPs list.
invalid_ips = [ip for ip in svm_ips if not IPv4Config.is_valid_address(ip)]
if invalid_ips:
log.FATAL("Invalid IPv4 addresses %s" % invalid_ips)

if FLAGS.cluster_external_ip and FLAGS.ip_specification_json:
log.FATAL("Do not specify both --cluster_external_ip and "
"-j/--ip_specification_json option")

if FLAGS.cluster_external_ip:
if not IPv4Config.is_valid_address(FLAGS.cluster_external_ip):
log.FATAL("Invalid Cluster external ip %s" %

if FLAGS.config:
if not os.path.isfile(FLAGS.config):
log.FATAL("cluster.cfg file %s does not exist" % FLAGS.config)

# Read the cluster cfg file and get IPs.
cc = ClusterConfig().load(FLAGS.config)
if not cc:
log.FATAL("Failed to load cluster.cfg: %s" % FLAGS.config)
svm_ips = get_svm_ips(cc)
FLAGS.cluster_name = cc["cluster"]["cluster_name"]

if len(svm_ips) != len(set(svm_ips)):
log.WARNING("List of SVM IPs contains duplicates: %s" % svm_ips)

cmd = args[1].lower()

# If we are not forcing, then perform the action on every node in the
# cluster.
# This is a list of commands which can only be called on an
# unconfigured node.
cmds_only_for_unconfigured_node = ["create", "ipconfig",
if cmd not in cmds_only_for_unconfigured_node:
ret = genesis_utils.call_genesis_method(svm_ips, NodeManager.configured)
if isinstance(ret, RpcError):
log.FATAL("Could not reach any of the SVM IPs : %r" % svm_ips)
if not ret:
# 'cmd' is not supposed to be called on an unconfigured node.
# FATAL out with appropriate message.
ret = genesis_utils.call_genesis_method(
svm_ips, NodeManager.in_reconfiguration)
if ret:
log.FATAL("Cluster is currently in the process of being reconfigured. "
"Please finish reconfiguring the cluster.")
log.FATAL("Cluster is currently unconfigured. Please create the "
ret = get_backplane_svm_ips()
if ret:
svm_ips = ret
log.WARNING("Could not read SVM backplane IPs from zk")
elif "localhost" in svm_ips:
log.WARNING("Executing operation %s on localhost" % cmd)

# Ensure that the cluster destroy marker and the node unconfigure marker do
# not exist on any of the svms in "svm_ips"
if args[1].strip() != 'status':
ret = genesis_utils.call_genesis_rpc_concurrently(
svm_ips, NodeManager.destroy_marker_exists, timeout_secs=30)
cmd_failed_nodes = []
svmips = []
for svmip, rpc_result in six.iteritems(ret):
if isinstance(rpc_result, RpcError) or rpc_result is None:
error = ("Failed to check if destroy is in progress on the CVM: %s, "
"retval: %s" % (svmip, rpc_result))
if rpc_result:
if svmips:
log.FATAL("Destroy is in progress on the nodes: %s" % svmips)
elif cmd_failed_nodes:
log.ERROR("Could not ascertain if the nodes: %s are being destroyed" %
# Fallback to checking only for the node_unconfigure marker for
# backward compatibility. This is needed when upgrading from a lower
# AOS which doesn't contain the destroy_marker_exists RPC.
log.WARN("Checking only for the existence of the node_unconfigure marker "
"on the failed nodes: %s" % cmd_failed_nodes)
cmd_map = dict((ip, "ls %s" % FLAGS.node_unconfigure_marker)
for ip in cmd_failed_nodes)
cmd_failed_nodes = []
marker_exists_nodes = []
result_map = genesis_utils.run_command_on_svms(cmd_map)
for ip, (ret, out, err) in six.iteritems(result_map):
if ret == 0:
elif ret == -1:
log.ERROR("Timed out checking for node_unconfigure marker on %s." %
log.INFO("ret, out, err:\n%s\n%s\n%s" % (ret, out, err))

if marker_exists_nodes:
log.FATAL("The node_unconfigure_marker exists on the nodes: %s" %
elif cmd_failed_nodes:
log.FATAL("Failed to ascertain if the node_unconfigure marker exists "
"on the nodes: %s" % cmd_failed_nodes)

if cmd == "set_two_node_cluster_leader":
log.INFO("Executing action only on localhost")
log.INFO("Executing action %s on SVMs %s" % (cmd, ",".join(svm_ips)))

# Destructive commands take extra precaution.
# First, ensure that the node is fully apart of the cluster.
# Second, correctly prompt the user based on destructive command getting run.
if cmd in ["destroy", "stop", "reconfig", "reset"]:
# Check if node is a part of a cluster.
node_uuid = genesis_utils.get_node_uuid()
if not node_uuid:
log.FATAL("Cannot find node uuid, will not run destuctive commands")

# Get the config proto to ensure this node is still apart of a cluster.
# We will skip for 1 node clusters as it is not required AND we have seen
# instances where we fail to connect to zookeeper on 1 node clusters in
# internal testing.
if len(svm_ips) > 1:
zk_host_port_list = genesis_utils.get_zk_host_port_list()
with ZookeeperSession(zk_host_port_list) as zk_session:
if not zk_session.wait_for_connection(timeout=15):
log.FATAL("Failed to connect to zookeeper, skipping destructive "
config_obj = Configuration()
if not config_obj.initialize(FLAGS.zookeeper_host_port_list, zk_session):
log.FATAL("Could not determine if node is apart of a cluster, "
"skipping destructive commands")
config = config_obj.config_proto()
if not config:
log.FATAL("Could not determine if node is apart of a cluster, "
"skipping destructive commands")

# Confirm this node is in the cluster node list.
for node in config.node_list:
if node.uuid == node_uuid:
log.FATAL("Node is not found in the node list, skipping destructive "

# Now that the node is confirmed apart of a cluster, warn the user of the
# destructiveness of the command.
# Print the cluster name.
ret = genesis_utils.call_genesis_method(
svm_ips, ClusterManager.cluster_name)
if isinstance(ret, RpcError):
log.FATAL("Could not reach any of the SVM IPs : %r. Error: %s" %
(svm_ips, ret))
cluster_name = ret or "Not configured"
log.INFO("\n\n***** CLUSTER NAME *****\n%s\n" % cluster_name)
if cmd == "destroy":
prompt = ("This operation will completely erase all data and all "
"metadata, and each node will no longer belong to a "
"cluster. Do you want to proceed? (Y/[N]): ")
elif cmd == "stop":
# A best effort attempt to customize the prompt for PC and PE for 'stop'.
if genesis_utils.is_pc_vm():
prompt = ("This operation will stop all Nutanix services, making Prism "
"Central unable to manage applications and services. Do you "
"want to proceed? (I agree/[N]): ")
prompt = ("This operation will stop the Nutanix storage services and "
"any VMs using Nutanix storage will become unavailable. Do "
"you want to proceed? (I agree/[N]): ")
elif cmd == "reset":
prompt = ("This operation will COMPLETELY ERASE ALL DATA and ALL "
"METADATA, and each node will no longer belong to a "
"cluster and REIMAGE each node. Do you want to proceed?"
" (Y/[N]): ")
# Command is reconfig.
prompt = ("After executing this operation any VMs using Nutanix storage "
"will become unavailable. Do you want to proceed? (Y/[N]): ")

# Check if the command is excuted from a terminal. Piping for destructive
# operations, eg: "$ echo y | cluster destroy" is not allowed. The stop cmd
# allows piping for automation purpose as it is not destructive.
if cmd != "stop" and not sys.stdin.isatty():
log.ERROR("Destructive operations like %s should get the confirmation "
"(Y/[N]) from terminal. Seems like the confirmation is piped "
"or redirected from another process into this command." % cmd)

while True:
confirmation = input(prompt)
if not confirmation or confirmation.upper() in ["N", "NO"]:
# Default value is no.
# Do not continue and exit.
log.INFO("User requested cancel of cmd %s." % cmd)
if confirmation.upper() in ["Y", "YES", "I AGREE"]:
if cmd not in ["reset", "stop"]:
elif cmd == "stop" and confirmation.upper() == "I AGREE":
elif cmd == "reset":
# ask second question for reset to avoid accident wipe out
prompt = "Please enter a CVM's IP, which WOULD BE RESET: "
confirmation = input(prompt)
if not confirmation:
log.INFO("User cancel of cmd %s." % cmd)
svmips = genesis_utils.get_svm_ips()
if confirmation in svmips:
log.INFO("%s does not match any CVM's IP." % confirmation)

# If we reach here the input is invalid.
print("Please enter a valid input.")

if cmd == "start":
if len(args) > 2:
log.FATAL("cluster start takes no arguments")
ret = commands["start"](svm_ips)
elif cmd == "stop":
if len(args) > 2:
log.FATAL("cluster stop takes no arguments")
ret = commands["stop"](svm_ips)
elif cmd == "ipconfig":
ret = commands[cmd]()
elif (cmd == "create" and FLAGS.ip_specification_json):
svm_ips = get_svm_ips_json()
if len(svm_ips) < 3:
log.FATAL("Provide IPs of at least 3 nodes")
ret = do_ipconfig()
if ret:
ret = commands[cmd](svm_ips=svm_ips,
elif cmd == "pass_shutdown_token":
if not FLAGS.shutdown_token_ip:
log.FATAL("Please provide IP address of svm")
if len(FLAGS.shutdown_token_ip.split(",")) != 1:
log.FATAL("Please provide only one svm ip for passing shutdown token")
ret = commands[cmd](svm_ips=svm_ips, node_ip=FLAGS.shutdown_token_ip)
elif cmd == "host_upgrade":
if not FLAGS.bundle or not FLAGS.md5sum:
log.FATAL("Provide provide bundle location, md5sum for host upgrade")
if not FLAGS.version:
if (host_upgrade_common.get_host_type() !=
log.FATAL("Provide version information for host upgrade")
FLAGS.version = ""
ret = commands[cmd]()
elif cmd == "convert_cluster":
if not FLAGS.target_hypervisor:
log.FATAL("Provide target hypervisor type")
ret = commands[cmd]()
elif cmd == "set_two_node_cluster_leader":
ret = commands[cmd]()
elif cmd == "set_rack_aware":
ret = commands[cmd](svm_ips)
elif cmd == "add_cluster_create_access_key":
ret = commands[cmd](svm_ips)
if cmd == "create":
ret = commands[cmd](svm_ips=svm_ips,
ret = commands[cmd](svm_ips=svm_ips)

if ret:
log.ERROR("Operation failed")

if __name__ == "__main__":
if "--help" in sys.argv:
sys.argv.insert(1, "--helpshort")
elif "--helpfull" in sys.argv:
sys.argv.insert(1, "--help")

global __doc__
__doc__ = ("Usage: %s [flags] [command]\n\n"
"\t%s\n" %
(sys.argv[0], "\n\t".join(sorted(commands.keys()))))
args = FLAGS(sys.argv)

filename = "/home/nutanix/data/logs/cluster_ops.log"
os.close(, os.O_CREAT | os.O_WRONLY, 0o640))

FLAGS.logtostderr = True
logger = log.initialize()
log_handler = logging.FileHandler(filename=filename)

main(args, commands)
except gflags.FlagsError as e:
sys.stderr.write("%s\n" % str(e))
FLAGS([sys.argv[0], "--helpshort"])
except KeyboardInterrupt:
log.WARNING("Exiting on Ctrl-C")
except Exception as e:
log.ERROR("Failed to execute action %s. Error(%s), "
"Traceback:\n%s\nExiting..." %
(args[1], str(e), traceback.format_exc()))

